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πŸ”₯ Static site generator for Deno πŸ¦•
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import lume from "../mod.ts";import { toFileUrl } from "../deps/path.ts";import { cyan, dim, green, red } from "../deps/colors.ts";import { getConfigFile, getLumeVersion } from "../core/utils.ts";
import type { Site } from "../core.ts";
/** Create a site instance */export async function createSite(root: string, config?: string): Promise<Site> { const path = await getConfigFile(root, config);
if (path) { console.log(`Loading config file ${dim(path)}`); console.log(); const mod = await import(toFileUrl(path).href); return mod.default; }
return lume();}
/** A list of the available optional plugins */export const pluginNames = [ "attributes", "base_path", "code_highlight", "date", "esbuild", "eta", "imagick", "inline", "jsx", "jsx_preact", "lightningcss", "liquid", "metas", "minify_html", "modify_urls", "multilanguage", "netlify_cms", "on_demand", "postcss", "prism", "pug", "relations", "relative_urls", "resolve_urls", "sass", "slugify_urls", "svgo", "terser", "windi_css",];
/** A list of the available plugins with init configurations */export const initPlugins = [ "jsx", "jsx_preact",];
export function log(...lines: (string | undefined)[]) { console.log("----------------------------------------"); lines.forEach((line) => line && console.log(line)); console.log("----------------------------------------");}
export function promptConfigUpdate(data: unknown) { log( red("deno.jsonc needs to be manually updated:"), dim("Use deno.json to update it automatically"), JSON.stringify(data, null, 2), );}
/** Check the compatibility with the current Deno version */export function checkDenoVersion(): void { const minimum = "1.24.0"; const current = Deno.version.deno;
if (current < minimum) { console.log("----------------------------------------"); console.error(red("Your Deno version is not compatible with Lume")); console.log(`Lume needs Deno ${green(minimum)} or greater`); console.log(`Your current version is ${red(current)}`); console.log(`Run ${cyan("deno upgrade")} and try again`); console.log("----------------------------------------"); Deno.exit(1); }}
/** Check if the current version is outdated */export async function checkUpgrade(): Promise<void> { const current = getLumeVersion();
// It's a local version if (current.startsWith("local ")) { return; }
const stable = !!current.match(/^v\d+\./); const expires = 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24; // 1 day const interval = localStorage.getItem("lume-upgrade");
if (interval && parseInt(interval) + expires > { return; }
const latest = stable ? await getLatestVersion() : await getLatestDevelopmentVersion();
if (current === latest) { return; }
let global = false; try { await Promise.any([ Deno.stat("deno.json"), Deno.stat("deno.jsonc"), ]); await Deno.stat("import_map.json"); } catch { global = true; }
const command = global ? (stable ? "lume upgrade --global" : "lume upgrade --dev --global") : (stable ? "deno task lume upgrade" : "deno task lume upgrade --dev");
log( `Update available ${dim(current)} β†’ ${green(latest)}`, `Run ${cyan(command)} to update`, );}
/** Return the latest stable version from the repository */export async function getLatestVersion(): Promise<string> { const response = await fetch(""); const versions = await response.json(); return versions.latest;}
/** Return the hash of the latest commit from the GitHub repository */export async function getLatestDevelopmentVersion(): Promise<string> { const response = await fetch( "", ); const commits = await response.json(); return commits[0].sha;}