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πŸ”₯ Static site generator for Deno πŸ¦•
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import { assertSnapshot } from "../deps/snapshot.ts";import lume from "../mod.ts";import { fromFileUrl, join } from "../deps/path.ts";import { printError } from "../core/errors.ts";
import type { Page, Site, SiteOptions } from "../core.ts";
const cwUrl = import.meta.resolve("./");const cwd = fromFileUrl(import.meta.resolve("./"));
export function getPath(path: string): string { return join(cwd, path);}
/** Create a new lume site using the "assets" path as cwd */export function getSite( options: Partial<SiteOptions> = {}, pluginOptions = {}, preventSave = true,): Site { options.cwd = getPath("assets"); options.quiet = true;
const site = lume(options, pluginOptions, false);
// Don't save the site to disk if (preventSave) { site.addEventListener("beforeSave", () => false); }
return site;}
/** Returns a generated page by src path */export function getPage(site: Site, path: string) { const page = site.pages.find((page) => page.src.path === path);
if (!page) { throw new Error(`Page "${path}" not found`); }
return page;}
/** Build a site and print errors */export async function build(site: Site) { try { await; } catch (error) { printError(error); throw error; }}
/** Get the version of a dependency */export async function getDepVersion( file: string, name: string,): Promise<string | undefined> { const filepath = join(cwd, `../deps/${file}`); const content = await Deno.readTextFile(filepath); const match = content.match(`${name}@([^\/]+)`);
if (match) { return match[1]; }}
function normalizeContent( content: string | Uint8Array | undefined,): string | undefined { if (content instanceof Uint8Array) { return `Uint8Array(${content.length})`; } if (typeof content === "string") { // Normalize line ending for Windows return content .replaceAll("\r\n", "\n") .replaceAll(/base64,[^"]+/g, "base64,(...)"); }}
async function assertPageSnapshot( context: Deno.TestContext, page: Page,) { let { data } = page; const { dest, src, content } = page;
// Sort data alphabetically const entries = Object.entries(data).sort((a, b) => a[0].localeCompare(b[0])); data = Object.fromEntries(entries);
await assertSnapshot(context, { src, dest, data, content });}
export async function assertSiteSnapshot( context: Deno.TestContext, site: Site,) { const { pages, files } = site;
// Test number of pages await assertSnapshot(context, pages.length);
// To-do: test site configuration await assertSnapshot( context, { formats: Array.from(site.formats.entries.values()).map((format) => { return { ...format, engines: format.engines?.length, }; }), }, );
// Sort pages and files alphabetically pages.sort((a, b) => { return compare(a.src.path, b.src.path) || compare(a.dest.path, b.dest.path); });
files.sort((a, b) => { return compare(a.src, b.src); });
// Normalize some dynamic data pages.forEach((page) => { // Normalize data if ( instanceof Date) { = new Date(0); } // Ignore comp object if ( { = {}; } // Remove page reference = undefined;
// Remove pagination results details from the data if (Array.isArray( { =; } // Remove alternates values (added by multilanguage plugin) if ( { = Object.keys( as Record<string, Page>, ); } // Remote base path because it's different in the test environment page.src.remote = page.src.remote?.replace(cwUrl, ""); delete page.src.created; delete page.src.lastModified;
// Normalize content for Windows page.content = normalizeContent(page.content); = normalizeContent( as string | Uint8Array | undefined, );
// Source maps if (page.dest.ext === ".map") { page.content = "(removed for testing)"; = "(removed for testing)"; } });
// Test static files await assertSnapshot( context, => { // Remote base path because it's different in the test environment file.remote = file.remote?.replace(cwUrl, ""); return file; }), );
// Test pages for (const page of pages) { await assertPageSnapshot(context, page); }}
function compare(a: string, b: string): number { return a > b ? 1 : a < b ? -1 : 0;}