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πŸ”₯ Static site generator for Deno πŸ¦•
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export { default } from "";const prismPath = "";
// dependencies: Record<string, string | string[]> = { "javascript": "clike", "actionscript": "javascript", "apex": [ "clike", "sql", ], "arduino": "cpp", "aspnet": [ "markup", "csharp", ], "birb": "clike", "bison": "c", "c": "clike", "csharp": "clike", "cpp": "c", "cfscript": "clike", "chaiscript": [ "clike", "cpp", ], "cilkc": "c", "cilkcpp": "cpp", "coffeescript": "javascript", "crystal": "ruby", "css-extras": "css", "d": "clike", "dart": "clike", "django": "markup-templating", "ejs": [ "javascript", "markup-templating", ], "etlua": [ "lua", "markup-templating", ], "erb": [ "ruby", "markup-templating", ], "fsharp": "clike", "firestore-security-rules": "clike", "flow": "javascript", "ftl": "markup-templating", "gml": "clike", "glsl": "c", "go": "clike", "gradle": "clike", "groovy": "clike", "haml": "ruby", "handlebars": "markup-templating", "haxe": "clike", "hlsl": "c", "idris": "haskell", "java": "clike", "javadoc": [ "markup", "java", "javadoclike", ], "jolie": "clike", "jsdoc": [ "javascript", "javadoclike", "typescript", ], "js-extras": "javascript", "json5": "json", "jsonp": "json", "js-templates": "javascript", "kotlin": "clike", "latte": [ "clike", "markup-templating", "php", ], "less": "css", "lilypond": "scheme", "liquid": "markup-templating", "markdown": "markup", "markup-templating": "markup", "mongodb": "javascript", "n4js": "javascript", "objectivec": "c", "opencl": "c", "parser": "markup", "php": "markup-templating", "phpdoc": [ "php", "javadoclike", ], "php-extras": "php", "plsql": "sql", "processing": "clike", "protobuf": "clike", "pug": [ "markup", "javascript", ], "purebasic": "clike", "purescript": "haskell", "qsharp": "clike", "qml": "javascript", "qore": "clike", "racket": "scheme", "cshtml": [ "markup", "csharp", ], "jsx": [ "markup", "javascript", ], "tsx": [ "jsx", "typescript", ], "reason": "clike", "ruby": "clike", "sass": "css", "scss": "css", "scala": "java", "shell-session": "bash", "smarty": "markup-templating", "solidity": "clike", "soy": "markup-templating", "sparql": "turtle", "sqf": "clike", "squirrel": "clike", "stata": [ "mata", "java", "python", ], "t4-cs": [ "t4-templating", "csharp", ], "t4-vb": [ "t4-templating", "vbnet", ], "tap": "yaml", "tt2": [ "clike", "markup-templating", ], "textile": "markup", "twig": "markup-templating", "typescript": "javascript", "v": "clike", "vala": "clike", "vbnet": "basic", "velocity": "markup", "wiki": "markup", "xeora": "markup", "xml-doc": "markup", "xquery": "markup",};
const aliases: Record<string, string> = { "html": "markup", "xml": "markup", "svg": "markup", "mathml": "markup", "ssml": "markup", "atom": "markup", "rss": "markup", "js": "javascript", "g4": "antlr4", "ino": "arduino", "arm-asm": "armasm", "art": "arturo", "adoc": "asciidoc", "avs": "avisynth", "avdl": "avro-idl", "gawk": "awk", "sh": "bash", "shell": "bash", "shortcode": "bbcode", "rbnf": "bnf", "oscript": "bsl", "cs": "csharp", "dotnet": "csharp", "cfc": "cfscript", "cilk-c": "cilkc", "cilk-cpp": "cilkcpp", "cilk": "cilkcpp", "coffee": "coffeescript", "conc": "concurnas", "jinja2": "django", "dns-zone": "dns-zone-file", "dockerfile": "docker", "gv": "dot", "eta": "ejs", "xlsx": "excel-formula", "xls": "excel-formula", "gamemakerlanguage": "gml", "po": "gettext", "gni": "gn", "ld": "linker-script", "go-mod": "go-module", "hbs": "handlebars", "mustache": "handlebars", "hs": "haskell", "idr": "idris", "gitignore": "ignore", "hgignore": "ignore", "npmignore": "ignore", "webmanifest": "json", "kt": "kotlin", "kts": "kotlin", "kum": "kumir", "tex": "latex", "context": "latex", "ly": "lilypond", "emacs": "lisp", "elisp": "lisp", "emacs-lisp": "lisp", "md": "markdown", "moon": "moonscript", "n4jsd": "n4js", "nani": "naniscript", "objc": "objectivec", "qasm": "openqasm", "objectpascal": "pascal", "px": "pcaxis", "pcode": "peoplecode", "plantuml": "plant-uml", "pq": "powerquery", "mscript": "powerquery", "pbfasm": "purebasic", "purs": "purescript", "py": "python", "qs": "qsharp", "rkt": "racket", "razor": "cshtml", "rpy": "renpy", "res": "rescript", "robot": "robotframework", "rb": "ruby", "sh-session": "shell-session", "shellsession": "shell-session", "smlnj": "sml", "sol": "solidity", "sln": "solution-file", "rq": "sparql", "sclang": "supercollider", "t4": "t4-cs", "trickle": "tremor", "troy": "tremor", "trig": "turtle", "ts": "typescript", "tsconfig": "typoscript", "uscript": "unrealscript", "uc": "unrealscript", "url": "uri", "vb": "visual-basic", "vba": "visual-basic", "webidl": "web-idl", "mathematica": "wolfram", "nb": "wolfram", "wl": "wolfram", "xeoracube": "xeora", "yml": "yaml",};
type Language = Record<string, unknown>;
export async function loadLanguages(languages: string[]) { const loaded: Record<string, Language> = {};
for (const language of languages) { await loadLanguage(language, loaded); }
return loaded;}
async function loadLanguage( language: string, languages: Record<string, Language>,): Promise<void> { language = aliases[language] || language;
if (languages[language]) { return; }
const deps = dependencies[language]; if (deps && deps.length) { if (Array.isArray(deps)) { await Promise.all( => loadLanguage(lang, languages))); } else { await loadLanguage(deps, languages); } }
await import(`${prismPath}components/prism-${language}.js`);}