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import { markdownIt, markdownItAttrs, markdownItDeflist, MarkdownItOptions,} from "../deps/markdown_it.ts";import loader from "../core/loaders/text.ts";import { merge } from "../core/utils.ts";
import type { Data, DeepPartial, Engine, Helper, Site } from "../core.ts";
export interface Options { /** The list of extensions this plugin applies to */ extensions: string[];
/** Options passed to markdown-it library */ options: MarkdownItOptions;
/** The list of markdown-it plugins to use */ plugins: unknown[];
/** To modify existing rules or new custom rules */ // deno-lint-ignore no-explicit-any rules: Record<string, (...args: any[]) => any>;
/** Set `true` append your plugins to the defaults */ keepDefaultPlugins: boolean;}
// Default optionsexport const defaults: Options = { extensions: [".md"], options: { html: true, }, plugins: [ markdownItAttrs, markdownItDeflist, ], rules: {}, keepDefaultPlugins: false,};
interface MarkdownItEngine { render: (input: string, env?: Record<string, unknown>) => string;}
/** Template engine to render Markdown files */export class MarkdownEngine implements Engine { engine: MarkdownItEngine;
constructor(engine: MarkdownItEngine) { this.engine = engine; }
deleteCache() {}
render(content: string, data?: Data, filename?: string): string { return this.renderSync(content, data, filename); }
renderSync(content: unknown, data?: Data, filename?: string): string { if (typeof content !== "string") { content = String(content); } return this.engine.render(content as string, { filename, data }); }
addHelper() {}}
/** Register the plugin to support Markdown */export default function (userOptions?: DeepPartial<Options>) { const options = merge(defaults, userOptions);
if (options.keepDefaultPlugins && userOptions?.plugins?.length) { options.plugins = defaults.plugins.concat(userOptions.plugins); }
return function (site: Site) { // @ts-ignore: This expression is not callable. const engine = markdownIt(options.options);
// Register markdown-it plugins options.plugins.forEach((plugin) => Array.isArray(plugin) ? engine.use(...plugin) : engine.use(plugin) );
// Hook to add markdown-it plugins site.hooks.addMarkdownItPlugin = (plugin, options) => { engine.use(plugin, options); };
// Register custom rules for (const [name, rule] of Object.entries(options.rules)) { engine.renderer.rules[name] = rule; }
// Hook to add custom rules site.hooks.addMarkdownItRule = (name, rule) => { engine.renderer.rules[name] = rule; };
// Load the pages site.loadPages(options.extensions, loader, new MarkdownEngine(engine));
// Register the md filter site.filter("md", filter as Helper);
function filter(string: string, inline = false): string { return inline ? engine.renderInline(string?.toString() || "").trim() : engine.render(string?.toString() || "").trim(); } };}