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πŸ”₯ Static site generator for Deno πŸ¦•
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import { createSite, runWatch } from "./utils.ts";import { brightGreen, dim } from "../deps/colors.ts";import runServe from "./serve.ts";
interface Options { root: string; config?: string; serve: boolean; watch: boolean; experimental: boolean;}
/** Build the website and optionally watch changes and serve the site */export default async function build( { root, config, serve, watch, experimental }: Options,) { if (experimental) { if (!serve && !watch) { console.warn("Experimental mode requires either --serve or --watch"); return; } runExperimentalWatcher(serve, root, config); return; }
const site = await createSite(root, config); const quiet = site.options.quiet;
if (!quiet) { console.log(); }
if (!quiet) { console.log(); console.log( `🍾 ${brightGreen("Site built into")} ${dim(site.options.dest)}`, ); }
if (!serve && !watch) { return; }
// Start the watcher runWatch({ root: site.src(), ignore: site.options.watcher.ignore, debounce: site.options.watcher.debounce, fn: (files) => { console.log(); console.log("Changes detected:"); files.forEach((file) => console.log("-", dim(file))); console.log(); return site.update(files); }, });
// Start the local server if (serve) { await runServe(site.dest(), site.options.server); }}
/** Build the site using a Worker so it can reload the modules */function runExperimentalWatcher( initServer: boolean, root: string, config?: string,) { const url = new URL("watch.ts", import.meta.url); let serving = false;
function init() { const work = new Worker(url, { type: "module", deno: true, });
// Start watching work.postMessage({ root, config });
// Listen for messages work.onmessage = (event) => { const { type } =;
// Init the local server if (type === "built") { if (serving || !initServer) { return; }
const { root, options } =; runServe(root, options); serving = true; return; }
// Reload the worker if (type === "reload") { work.terminate(); init(); } }; }