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πŸ”₯ Static site generator for Deno πŸ¦•
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import { brightGreen, dim, red } from "../deps/colors.ts";import localIp from "../deps/local_ip.ts";import { mimes, normalizePath, serveFile } from "../core/utils.ts";import { printError } from "../core/errors.ts";import { runWatch } from "./utils.ts";
import type { ServerOptions } from "../core/site.ts";
// Websocket client codeconst wsCode = await (await fetch(new URL("./ws.js", import.meta.url))).text();
/** Start a local HTTP server and live-reload the changes */export default async function server( root: string, options?: ServerOptions,) { const port = options?.port || 3000; const ipAddr = await localIp(); let page404 = options?.page404 || "/404.html";
if (page404.endsWith("/")) { page404 += "index.html"; }
console.log(); console.log(" Server started at:"); console.log(brightGreen(` http://localhost:${port}/`), "(local)");
if (!ipAddr) { console.log(red("Warning") + " Unable to detect your local IP address"); console.log( "If you're on an Ubuntu machine, try installing net-tools with 'apt install net-tools'", ); } else { console.log(brightGreen(` http://${ipAddr}:${port}/`), "(network)"); }
if (options?.open) { const commands = { darwin: "open", linux: "xdg-open", windows: "explorer", };{ cmd: [commands[], `http://localhost:${port}/`] }); }
// Live reload server const sockets: WebSocket[] = [];
runWatch({ root, fn: (files: Set<string>) => { if (!sockets.length) { return; } const urls = Array.from(files).map((file) => normalizePath(file)); const message = JSON.stringify(urls); sockets.forEach((socket) => socket.send(message)); console.log("Changes sent to the browser"); }, });
// Static files server const server = Deno.listen({ port });
for await (const conn of server) { handleConnection(conn); }
async function handleConnection(conn: Deno.Conn) { const httpConn = Deno.serveHttp(conn);
for await (const requestEvent of httpConn) { // Is a websocket if (requestEvent.request.headers.get("upgrade") === "websocket") { handleSocket(requestEvent); continue; }
handleFile(requestEvent); } }
async function handleFile(event: Deno.RequestEvent) { const { request } = event; const url = new URL(request.url);
try { let [body, data] = await serveFile(url, { root, directoryIndex: true, page404, router: options?.router, });
data.headers = new Headers(data.headers);
// Insert live-reload script if (data.headers.get("content-type") === mimes.get(".html")) { if (body instanceof Uint8Array) { body = new TextDecoder().decode(body); }
body = `${ body ?? "" }<script type="module" id="lume-live-reload">${wsCode}</script>`; }
// Add headers to prevent cache data.headers.set("cache-control", "no-cache no-store must-revalidate"); const response = new Response(body, data); await event.respondWith(response); logResponse(response, url); } catch (cause) { const response = new Response(`Error: ${cause.toString()}`, { status: 500, }); try { await event.respondWith(response); logResponse(response, url, cause); } catch { // Ignore } } }
function handleSocket(event: Deno.RequestEvent) { const { socket, response } = Deno.upgradeWebSocket(event.request);
socket.onopen = () => sockets.push(socket); socket.onclose = () => { const index = sockets.indexOf(socket);
if (index !== -1) { sockets.splice(index, 1); } }; socket.onerror = (e) => console.log("Socket errored", e);
event.respondWith(response); }}
function logResponse(response: Response, url: URL, cause?: Error) { const { status } = response; const { pathname } = url;
if (status === 404 || status === 500) { console.log(`${red(status.toString())} ${pathname}`); } else if (status === 200) { console.log(`${brightGreen(status.toString())} ${pathname}`); } else if (status === 301 || status === 302) { console.log( `${dim(status.toString())} ${pathname} => ${ response.headers.get("location") }`, ); } else { console.log(`${dim(status.toString())} ${pathname}`); }
if (cause) { printError(cause); }}