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import { getCurrentVersion, getLastDevelopmentVersion, getLastVersion,} from "./utils.ts";import { brightGreen, gray } from "../deps/colors.ts";
interface Options { dev: boolean;}
/** Upgrade the Lume installation to the latest version */export default async function upgrade({ dev }: Options) { const latest = dev ? await getLastDevelopmentVersion() : await getLastVersion();
if (latest === getCurrentVersion()) { console.log( `You're using the latest version of Lume: ${brightGreen(latest)}!`, ); console.log(); return; }
console.log( `New version available. Updating Lume to ${brightGreen(latest)}...`, );
await install(latest, dev);
console.log(); console.log("Update successful!"); console.log( `You're using the latest version of Lume: ${brightGreen(latest)}!`, );
if (!dev) { console.log( "See the changes in", gray(`${latest}/`), ); } console.log();}
async function install(version: string, dev = false) { const url = dev ? `${version}` : `${version}`;
const process ={ cmd: [ Deno.execPath(), "run", "--unstable", "-A", `${url}/install.ts`, "--upgrade", ], });
const status = await process.status(); process.close();
return status.success;}