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πŸ”₯ Static site generator for Deno πŸ¦•
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import lume from "../mod.ts";import { exists } from "../deps/fs.ts";import { join, relative, resolve, toFileUrl } from "../deps/path.ts";import { dim } from "../deps/colors.ts";import { Exception, printError } from "../core/errors.ts";
import type { Site } from "../core.ts";
/** Return the current installed version */export function getCurrentVersion(): string { const url = new URL("../", import.meta.url).pathname; return url.match(/@([^/]+)/)?.[1] ?? `local (${url})`;}
/** Return the latest stable version from the repository */export async function getLastVersion(): Promise<string> { const response = await fetch(""); const versions = await response.json(); return versions.latest;}
/** Return the hash of the latest commit from the GitHub repository */export async function getLastDevelopmentVersion(): Promise<string> { const response = await fetch( "", ); const commits = await response.json(); return commits[0].sha;}
/** Returns the _config file of a site */export async function getConfigFile( root: string, config?: string,): Promise<string | undefined> { root = resolve(Deno.cwd(), root);
if (config) { const path = join(root, config);
if (await exists(path)) { return path; }
throw new Exception("Config file not found", { path }); }
const files = ["_config.js", "_config.ts"];
for (const file of files) { const path = join(root, file);
if (await exists(path)) { return path; } }}
/** Create a site instance */export async function createSite(root: string, config?: string): Promise<Site> { const path = await getConfigFile(root, config);
if (path) { console.log(`Loading config file ${dim(path)}`); console.log(); const mod = await import(toFileUrl(path).href); return mod.default; }
return lume();}
/** A list of the available optional plugins */export const pluginNames = [ "attributes", "base_path", "bundler", "code_highlight", "date", "eta", "inline", "jsx", "liquid", "modify_urls", "on_demand", "postcss", "pug", "relative_urls", "resolve_urls", "slugify_urls", "svgo", "terser",];
export interface WatchOptions { /** The folder root to watch */ root: string; /** Paths ignored by the watcher */ ignore?: string[]; /** The debounce waiting time */ debounce?: number; /** The callback function. Return false to close the watcher */ fn: (files: Set<string>) => void | false | Promise<void | false>;}
/** Watch file changes in a directory */export async function runWatch({ root, ignore, fn, debounce }: WatchOptions) { const watcher = Deno.watchFs(root); const changes = new Set<string>(); let timer = 0; let runningCallback = false;
const callback = async () => { if (!changes.size || runningCallback) { return; }
const files = new Set(changes); changes.clear();
runningCallback = true; try { if (false === await fn(files)) { return watcher.close(); } } catch (error) { printError(error); } runningCallback = false; };
for await (const event of watcher) { let { paths } = event;
// Filter the ignored paths if (ignore) { paths = paths.filter((path) => !ignore.some((ignore) => path.startsWith(join(root, ignore, "/"))) ); }
if (!paths.length) { continue; }
paths.forEach((path) => changes.add(join("/", relative(root, path))));
// Debounce clearTimeout(timer); timer = setTimeout(callback, debounce ?? 100); }}