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πŸ”₯ Static site generator for Deno πŸ¦•
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import { merge } from "../core/utils.ts";
import type { Site } from "../core.ts";
/** The options for the paginate helper */export interface PaginateOptions { /** The number of elements per page */ size: number;
/** The function to generate the url of the pages */ url: (page: number) => string;}
export type Paginator = ( results: unknown[], userOptions?: Partial<PaginateOptions>,) => Generator<PaginateResult, void, unknown>;
/** The paginate result */export interface PaginateResult { /** The page url */ url: string;
/** The page elements */ results: unknown[];
/** The pagination info */ pagination: { /** The current page number */ page: number;
/** The total number of pages */ totalPages: number;
/** The total number of elements */ totalResults: number;
/** The url of the previous page */ previous: string | null;
/** The url of the next page */ next: string | null; };}
export interface Options { /** The helper name */ name: string;
/** The default pagination options */ options: PaginateOptions;}
export const defaults: Options = { name: "paginate", options: { size: 10, url: () => "", },};
/** Register the plugin to enable the `paginate` helper */export default function (userOptions?: Partial<Options>) { const options = merge(defaults, userOptions);
return (site: Site) => { if (!userOptions?.options?.url) { const ext = site.options.prettyUrls ? "/index.html" : ".html"; options.options.url = (page: number) => `./page-${page}${ext}`; }
// Register the helper, createPaginator(options.options)); };}
/** Create a paginator function */export function createPaginator(defaults: PaginateOptions): Paginator { return function* paginate( results: unknown[], userOptions: Partial<PaginateOptions> = {}, ) { const options = merge(defaults, userOptions); const totalResults = results.length; const totalPages = Math.ceil(results.length / options.size);
let page = 1; let data = createPageData(page);
for (const result of results) { data.results.push(result);
if (data.results.length >= options.size) { yield data;
data = createPageData(++page); } }
if (data.results.length) { yield data; }
function createPageData(page: number): PaginateResult { return { url: options.url(page), results: [], pagination: { page, totalPages, totalResults, previous: page > 1 ? options.url(page - 1) : null, next: totalPages > page ? options.url(page + 1) : null, }, }; } };}