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πŸ”₯ Static site generator for Deno πŸ¦•
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import { assertStrictEquals as equals } from "../deps/assert.ts";import { attributes, className } from "../plugins/attributes.ts";
Deno.test("classname filter", () => { equals("one two", className("one", "two")); equals("one", className("one", null)); equals("one", className("one", undefined)); equals("one two", className(["one", "two"])); equals("one two", className(["one", "two"], "two")); equals( "one two", className(["one", "", false, null, undefined, 0, "two"], "two"), ); equals("one two", className({ one: true, two: 1 })); equals("one", className({ one: true, two: false })); equals("one two", className({ one: true, two: false }, "two")); equals( "one two", className({ one: true, two: false }, { one: false, two: true }), ); equals("one two", className([{ one: true, two: true }]));});
Deno.test("attributes filter", () => { equals("one two", attributes(["one", "two"])); equals('one="two"', attributes({ one: "two" })); equals("one", attributes({ one: true })); equals("two", attributes({ one: null, two: true })); equals( "one two", attributes([{ one: null, two: true }, { one: true }]), ); equals('foo=""bar""', attributes({ foo: '"bar"' })); equals('class="foo bar"', attributes({ class: "foo bar" })); equals('class="foo bar"', attributes({ class: ["foo bar"] })); equals('class="foo"', attributes({ class: ["foo", { bar: false }] })); equals( 'class="foo bar"', attributes({ class: ["foo", { bar: true }] }), ); equals( 'required class="foo bar"', attributes(["required", { class: ["foo", { bar: true }] }]), ); equals( 'required class="foo bar"', attributes(["required", { class: ["foo", { bar: true }] }]), ); equals( 'required class="foo bar"', attributes([{ required: true }, { class: ["foo", { bar: true }] }]), ); equals( 'required class="foo bar"', attributes([{ required: true, class: ["foo", { bar: true }] }]), ); equals( 'required class="foo bar"', attributes( ["required", { class: "foo" }, { class: ["bar", { other: false }] }], ), ); equals( 'required class="foo" title="bar"', attributes( ["required", { class: "foo" }, { id: "one", title: "bar" }], "required", "class", "title", ), ); equals( 'id="one"', attributes( ["required", { class: "foo" }, { id: "one", title: "bar" }], "id", ), );});