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A generic build system for Deno web apps
class ModuleGraph
import { ModuleGraph } from "";

An interface to the web assembly structure of a built module graph.




modules: Module[]

The modules that are part of the module graph.

roots: string[]

The root specifiers that were used to build the module graph from.


free(): void

Explicitly free the memory used by the module graph. The web assembly bindings does use weak references, meaning that the memory should be automatically garbage collected when the graph falls out of use.

get(specifier: string): Module | undefined

Retrieve a module from the module graph, if an error was encountered when loading the module, this method will throw with that error.

resolve(specifier: string): string

Given a string URL, return the resolved string URL accounting for any redirections that might have occurred when resolving the module graph.

resolveDependency(specifier: string, referrer: string): string | undefined

Given a string specifier of a module's dependency and the referring module's string URL, return the string URL of the dependency, otherwise return undefined.

toJSON(): ModuleGraphJson

Returns a plain-object representation of the module graph suitable for serialization as JSON, similar to the deno info --json output.

toString(noColor?: boolean): string

Provides a string output representation of the module graph similar to deno info with or without ANSI color escape sequences. If noColor is expressly true, the string will be returned without color escape sequences. If noColor is expressly false the returned string will include ANSI color escape sequences. If not expressly set, Deno.noColor will be used, or if the Deno namespace isn't present, will default to true and not provide ANSI color escape sequences.