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Utilities to help mock behavior, spy on function calls, stub methods, and fake time for tests.
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/** This module is browser compatible. */
import { applyInstanceMixins } from "./deps.ts";
/** An error related to spying on a function or instance method. */export class SpyError extends Error { constructor(message: string) { super(message); = "SpyError"; }}
/** Call information recorded by a spy. */export interface SpyCall { /** Arguments passed to a function when called. */ // deno-lint-ignore no-explicit-any args: any[]; /** The instance that a method was called on. */ // deno-lint-ignore no-explicit-any self?: any; /** The value that was returned by a function. */ // deno-lint-ignore no-explicit-any returned?: any; /** The error value that was thrown by a function. */ error?: Error;}
function isSpy<T>(func: unknown): func is Spy<T> { return typeof func === "function" && Array.isArray((func as Spy<T>).calls);}
export class SpyMixin<T> { // deno-lint-ignore no-explicit-any func?: (...args: any[]) => unknown; obj?: T; property?: keyof T; propertyDescriptor?: PropertyDescriptor; original?: unknown; get?: Spy<T>; set?: Spy<T>; restored?: boolean;
restore(): void { if (this.obj && { if (!this.restored) { if (this.propertyDescriptor) { Object.defineProperty( this.obj,, this.propertyDescriptor, ); } else { delete this.obj[]; } this.restored = true; } else throw new SpyError("instance property already restored"); } else throw new SpyError("no instance property to restore"); }}
/** A function or instance method wrapper that records all calls made to it. */
export interface Spy< T, // deno-lint-ignore no-explicit-any TArgs extends any[] = any[], // deno-lint-ignore no-explicit-any TReturn extends any = any,> { (this: T | void, ...args: TArgs): TReturn; /** * Information about calls made to the function or instance method or getter/setter being spied on. */ calls: SpyCall[]; /** A spy on the getter for an instance attribute. */ get?: Spy<T>; /** A spy on the setter for an instance attribute. */ set?: Spy<T>; /** Removes spy wrapper from instance property. */ restore(): void;}
/** Wraps a function or instance property with a Spy. */export type AnySpy<T> = Spy<T> | Spy<void>;export type AnySpyInternal<T> = SpyMixin<T> | SpyMixin<void>;function spy(): Spy<void>;function spy<TArgs extends unknown[], TReturn extends unknown>( func: (...args: TArgs) => TReturn,): Spy<void, TArgs, TReturn>;function spy<T>(obj: T, property: string | number | symbol): Spy<T>;function spy<T>( // deno-lint-ignore no-explicit-any objOrFunc?: T | ((...args: any[]) => unknown), property?: string | number | symbol,): AnySpy<T> { const calls: SpyCall[] = []; const result: AnySpy<T> = function (this: T | void): unknown { if (spyInternal.restored) { throw new SpyError("instance property already restored"); } const call: SpyCall = { args: Array.from(arguments) }; let returned: unknown; if (this) call.self = this; try { if (typeof spyInternal.func === "function") { returned = spyInternal.func.apply(this, Array.from(arguments)); } else { const func: unknown = spyInternal.get?.call(undefined); if (typeof func === "function") { returned = func.apply(this, Array.from(arguments)); } else { throw new SpyError("not a function"); } } call.returned = returned; } catch (error) { call.error = error; calls.push(call); throw error; } calls.push(call); return returned; } as AnySpy<T>; applyInstanceMixins(result, [SpyMixin]); result.calls = calls; const spyInternal: AnySpyInternal<T> = result; const obj: T = objOrFunc as T; const propertyKey: keyof T = property as keyof T; if (typeof property !== "undefined") { if (obj) spyInternal.obj = obj; = propertyKey; spyInternal.propertyDescriptor = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor( obj, propertyKey, ); if ( spyInternal.propertyDescriptor && !spyInternal.propertyDescriptor.configurable ) { throw new SpyError("cannot redefine property"); }
const { propertyDescriptor } = spyInternal; if (propertyDescriptor) { Object.defineProperty(spyInternal, "original", propertyDescriptor); } else { spyInternal.original = obj[propertyKey]; } let value = spyInternal.original; if (typeof value === "function") { if (isSpy(value)) { console.error("already spying on function"); } // deno-lint-ignore no-explicit-any spyInternal.func = spyInternal.original as (...args: any[]) => unknown; value = result; } spyInternal.restored = false; spyInternal.get = spy( spyInternal.propertyDescriptor?.get ?? (() => value), ); spyInternal.set = spy( spyInternal.propertyDescriptor?.set ?? ((v: unknown) => { value = v; }), ); Object.defineProperty(obj, propertyKey, { configurable: true, get: function () { return spyInternal.get?.call(this); }, set: function () { spyInternal.set?.apply(this, Array.from(arguments)); }, }); } else if (typeof objOrFunc === "function") { // deno-lint-ignore no-explicit-any spyInternal.func = objOrFunc as (...args: any[]) => unknown; } else { spyInternal.func = () => undefined; } return result;}
export { spy };