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An extremely simple way to mock globalThis.fetch responses
import { MatchHandler, router, Routes } from "";
export type { MatchHandler };
class UnhandledRouteError extends Error { routes: Routes; request: Request; constructor(init: { request: Request; routes: Routes }) { const { request, routes } = init;
const method = request.method; const reqPath = new URL(request.url).pathname; const routesNumber = Object.entries(routes).length; const routePlural = routesNumber === 1 ? "route has a handler" : "routes have handlers";
// deno-fmt-ignore super(`${method} ${reqPath} (${routesNumber} ${routePlural})`); =; if (Error.captureStackTrace) { Error.captureStackTrace(this, this.constructor); }
this.routes = routes; this.request = request; }}
export interface MockFetch { fetch: typeof globalThis.fetch; mock: (route: string, handler: MatchHandler) => void; remove: (route: string) => void; reset: () => void;}
/** * Get a set of functions that do not share any state with the globals. * * The returned object can be destructured. * * ``` * const { fetch, mock, remove, reset } = sandbox() * ``` */export function sandbox(): MockFetch { const routeStore = new Map<string, MatchHandler>();
async function fetch( input: string | Request | URL, init?: RequestInit, ): Promise<Response> { // Request constructor won't take a URL, so we need to normalize it first. if (input instanceof URL) input = input.toString(); const req = new Request(input, init);
const routes = Object.fromEntries(routeStore.entries());
// The router needs to be constructed every time because the routes map is // very likely to change between fetches. return await router( routes, // If an unhandled route is fetched, throw an error. (request) => { throw new UnhandledRouteError({ request, routes }); }, // Errors thrown by a handler, including the unknown route handler, will // return a 500 Internal Server Error. That's the right behaviour in most // cases, but we actually *want* that to throw. (_, error) => { throw error; }, )(req); }
function mock(route: string, handler: MatchHandler) { routeStore.set(route, handler); }
function remove(route: string) { routeStore.delete(route); }
function reset() { routeStore.clear(); }
return { reset, mock, remove, fetch, };}
const globalMockFetch = sandbox();
/** This is the function that replaces `fetch` when you call `install()`. */export const mockedFetch = globalMockFetch.fetch;
/** * Mock a new route, or override an existing handler. * * The route uses URLPattern syntax, with the additional extension of * (optional) method routing by prefixing with the method, * eg. `"POST@/user/:id"`. * * The handler function may be asynchronous. * * ``` * mock("GET@/users/:id", async (_req, params) => { * const id = parseInt(params["id"]); * const data = await magicallyGetMyUserData(id); * return new Response(JSON.stringify(data)); * }) * ``` */export const mock = globalMockFetch.mock;
/** Remove an existing route handler. */export const remove = globalMockFetch.remove;
/** Remove all existing route handlers. */export const reset = globalMockFetch.reset;
// Store the original fetch so it can be restored laterconst originalFetch = globalThis.fetch;
// The functions below are `const` for consistency.
/** * Replace `globalThis.fetch` with `mockedFetch` (or another function that * matches the `fetch` signature) * * To restore the original `globalThis.fetch`, call `uninstall()`. */export const install = (replacement?: typeof fetch) => { globalThis.fetch = replacement ?? mockedFetch;};
/** * Restore `globalThis.fetch` to what it was before this library was imported. */export const uninstall = () => { globalThis.fetch = originalFetch; reset();};