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2x times faster than chalk and use 5x less space in node_modules
export type Color = (text: string | number) => string;
export interface Colors { isColorSupported: boolean; reset: Color; bold: Color; dim: Color; italic: Color; underline: Color; inverse: Color; hidden: Color; strikethrough: Color; black: Color; red: Color; green: Color; yellow: Color; blue: Color; magenta: Color; cyan: Color; white: Color; gray: Color; bgBlack: Color; bgRed: Color; bgGreen: Color; bgYellow: Color; bgBlue: Color; bgMagenta: Color; bgCyan: Color; bgWhite: Color;}
export let isColorSupported = !Deno.noColor;
let nope: Color = (s) => String(s);
function hasClosed(s: string | number, close: string): s is string { return !!~("" + s).indexOf(close, 4);}
function color(open: string, close: string, closeRegex: RegExp): Color { return (s) => { if (s === "") { return s; } else { return ( open + (hasClosed(s, close) ? s.replace(closeRegex, open) : s) + close ); } };}
let close39 = "\x1b[39m";let close49 = "\x1b[49m";let regexp39 = /\x1b\[39m/g;let regexp49 = /\x1b\[49m/g;
export function createColors(enabled = isColorSupported): Colors { if (enabled) { return { isColorSupported: true, reset: (s) => `\x1b[0m${s}\x1b[0m`, bold: color("\x1b[1m", "\x1b[22m", /\x1b\[22m/g), dim: color("\x1b[2m", "\x1b[22m", /\x1b\[22m/g), italic: color("\x1b[3m", "\x1b[23m", /\x1b\[23m/g), underline: color("\x1b[4m", "\x1b[24m", /\x1b\[24m/g), inverse: color("\x1b[7m", "\x1b[27m", /\x1b\[27m/g), hidden: color("\x1b[8m", "\x1b[28m", /\x1b\[28m/g), strikethrough: color("\x1b[9m", "\x1b[29m", /\x1b\[29m/g), black: color("\x1b[30m", close39, regexp39), red: color("\x1b[31m", close39, regexp39), green: color("\x1b[32m", close39, regexp39), yellow: color("\x1b[33m", close39, regexp39), blue: color("\x1b[34m", close39, regexp39), magenta: color("\x1b[35m", close39, regexp39), cyan: color("\x1b[36m", close39, regexp39), white: color("\x1b[37m", close39, regexp39), gray: color("\x1b[90m", close39, regexp39), bgBlack: color("\x1b[40m", close49, regexp49), bgRed: color("\x1b[41m", close49, regexp49), bgGreen: color("\x1b[42m", close49, regexp49), bgYellow: color("\x1b[43m", close49, regexp49), bgBlue: color("\x1b[44m", close49, regexp49), bgMagenta: color("\x1b[45m", close49, regexp49), bgCyan: color("\x1b[46m", close49, regexp49), bgWhite: color("\x1b[47m", close49, regexp49), }; } else { return { isColorSupported: false, reset: nope, bold: nope, dim: nope, italic: nope, underline: nope, inverse: nope, hidden: nope, strikethrough: nope, black: nope, red: nope, green: nope, yellow: nope, blue: nope, magenta: nope, cyan: nope, white: nope, gray: nope, bgBlack: nope, bgRed: nope, bgGreen: nope, bgYellow: nope, bgBlue: nope, bgMagenta: nope, bgCyan: nope, bgWhite: nope, }; }}
export let { reset, bold, dim, italic, underline, inverse, hidden, strikethrough, black, red, green, yellow, blue, magenta, cyan, white, gray, bgBlack, bgRed, bgGreen, bgYellow, bgBlue, bgMagenta, bgCyan, bgWhite,} = createColors(isColorSupported);