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Session middleware for Oak
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import { nanoid } from ''import MemoryStore from './stores/MemoryStore.ts'import CookieStore from './stores/CookieStore.ts'import { Context } from '../deps.ts'import Store from './stores/Store.ts'import { DateTime } from ''import type { CookiesGetOptions, CookiesSetDeleteOptions } from '../deps.ts'
interface SessionOptions { expireAfterSeconds?: number cookieGetOptions?: CookiesGetOptions cookieSetOptions?: CookiesSetDeleteOptions}
export interface SessionData { _flash: Record<string, unknown> _accessed: string | null _expire: string | null _delete: boolean [key: string]: unknown}
export default class Session { context: Context | null store: Store expiration: number | null cookieSetOptions: CookiesSetDeleteOptions cookieGetOptions: CookiesGetOptions
constructor (store : Store = new MemoryStore, options? : SessionOptions) { this.context = null = store this.expiration = options && options.expireAfterSeconds ? options.expireAfterSeconds : null this.cookieGetOptions = options?.cookieGetOptions ?? {} this.cookieSetOptions = options?.cookieSetOptions ?? {} }
initMiddleware() { return async (ctx : Context, next : () => Promise<unknown>) => { this.context = ctx
if (typeof !== 'undefined') { await }
const sid = await ctx.cookies.get('session', this.cookieGetOptions) ctx.state.session = this ctx.state.sessionCache = null
if (sid) { const session = await this.getSession(sid, true)
if (session) { if (await this.sessionValid(sid)) { await this.reupSession(sid) ctx.state.sessionID = sid } else { await this.deleteSession(sid) ctx.state.sessionID = await this.createSession() } } else { ctx.state.sessionID = await this.createSession() } } else { ctx.state.sessionID = await this.createSession() }
await this.set('_accessed','UTC').toISO()) await ctx.cookies.set('session', ctx.state.sessionID, this.cookieSetOptions)
await next()
await this.persistSessionData( ctx.state.sessionID, await this.getSession(ctx.state.sessionID) as SessionData, true )
if (typeof !== 'undefined') { await }
if (ctx.state.sessionCache._delete === true) { await } } }
async sessionValid(id : string) { const session = await this.getSession(id) as SessionData
if (this.expiration) { if ( < DateTime.fromISO(session._expire)) { return true } else { return false } } else { return true } }
async reupSession(id : string) { const session = await this.getSession(id) as SessionData session._expire = this.expiration ?'UTC').plus({ seconds: this.expiration }).toISO() : null await this.persistSessionData(id, session) }
async createSession() { const session = { '_flash': {}, '_accessed':'UTC').toISO(), '_expire': this.expiration ?'UTC').plus({ seconds: this.expiration }).toISO() : null, '_delete': false }
const newID = await nanoid(21) await, session) if (this.context) this.context.state.sessionCache = session
return newID }
async getSession(id : string, pullFromStore : boolean = false): Promise<SessionData | null> { let session = null
if (pullFromStore) { session = await if (this.context) this.context.state.sessionCache = session } else { if (this.context && this.context.state.sessionCache) { session = this.context.state.sessionCache } else { session = await } }
if (session) { return session } else { return null } }
async deleteSession(sessionIdOrContext? : string | Context) {
if (sessionIdOrContext) { // If an argument was supplied if (typeof sessionIdOrContext == 'string') { // session ID string supplied await } else if (sessionIdOrContext instanceof Context) { // Oak context supplied const sessionID = await sessionIdOrContext.cookies.get('session', this.cookieGetOptions) if (sessionID) { await } } } else { // No argument supplied, assume within session middleware let session = await this.getSession(this.context?.state.sessionID) as SessionData session['_delete'] = true await this.persistSessionData('_delete', session) }
this.context?.cookies.delete('session', this.cookieSetOptions) }
async persistSessionData(id : string, data: SessionData, pushToStore : boolean = false) { if (this.context) this.context.state.sessionCache = data
if (pushToStore) { await, data) } }
async get(key : string) { if (this.context) { const session = await this.getSession(this.context.state.sessionID) as SessionData
if (session.hasOwnProperty(key)) { return session[key] } else { const value = session['_flash'][key] delete session['_flash'][key] await this.persistSessionData(this.context.state.sessionID, session, true) return value } } else { return null } }
async set(key : string, value : unknown) { if (this.context) { const session = await this.getSession(this.context.state.sessionID) as SessionData
if(value === null || value === undefined) { delete session[key] } else { session[key] = value }
await this.persistSessionData(this.context.state.sessionID, session) } }
async flash(key : string, value : unknown) { if (this.context) { const session = await this.getSession(this.context.state.sessionID) as SessionData
session['_flash'][key] = value
await this.persistSessionData(this.context.state.sessionID, session) } }
async has(key : string) { if (this.context) { const session = await this.getSession(this.context.state.sessionID) as SessionData
if (session.hasOwnProperty(key)) { return true } else { if (session['_flash'].hasOwnProperty(key)) { return true } else { return false } } } else { return false } }}