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A library and language for building parsers, interpreters, compilers, etc.
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'use strict';
// --------------------------------------------------------------------// Imports// --------------------------------------------------------------------
const Grammar = require('./Grammar');const InputStream = require('./InputStream');const common = require('./common');const errors = require('./errors');const pexprs = require('./pexprs');
// --------------------------------------------------------------------// Private Stuff// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// Constructors
function GrammarDecl(name) { = name;}
// Helpers
GrammarDecl.prototype.sourceInterval = function(startIdx, endIdx) { return this.source.subInterval(startIdx, endIdx - startIdx);};
GrammarDecl.prototype.ensureSuperGrammar = function() { if (!this.superGrammar) { this.withSuperGrammar( // TODO: The conditional expression below is an ugly hack. It's kind of ok because // I doubt anyone will ever try to declare a grammar called `BuiltInRules`. Still, // we should try to find a better way to do this. === 'BuiltInRules' ? Grammar.ProtoBuiltInRules : Grammar.BuiltInRules ); } return this.superGrammar;};
GrammarDecl.prototype.ensureSuperGrammarRuleForOverriding = function(name, source) { const ruleInfo = this.ensureSuperGrammar().rules[name]; if (!ruleInfo) { throw errors.cannotOverrideUndeclaredRule(name,, source); } return ruleInfo;};
GrammarDecl.prototype.installOverriddenOrExtendedRule = function( name, formals, body, source) { const duplicateParameterNames = common.getDuplicates(formals); if (duplicateParameterNames.length > 0) { throw errors.duplicateParameterNames(name, duplicateParameterNames, source); } const ruleInfo = this.ensureSuperGrammar().rules[name]; const expectedFormals = ruleInfo.formals; const expectedNumFormals = expectedFormals ? expectedFormals.length : 0; if (formals.length !== expectedNumFormals) { throw errors.wrongNumberOfParameters(name, expectedNumFormals, formals.length, source); } return this.install(name, formals, body, ruleInfo.description, source);};
GrammarDecl.prototype.install = function(name, formals, body, description, source) { this.rules[name] = { body: body.introduceParams(formals), formals, description, source, }; return this;};
// Stuff that you should only do once
GrammarDecl.prototype.withSuperGrammar = function(superGrammar) { if (this.superGrammar) { throw new Error('the super grammar of a GrammarDecl cannot be set more than once'); } this.superGrammar = superGrammar; this.rules = Object.create(superGrammar.rules);
// Grammars with an explicit supergrammar inherit a default start rule. if (!superGrammar.isBuiltIn()) { this.defaultStartRule = superGrammar.defaultStartRule; } return this;};
GrammarDecl.prototype.withDefaultStartRule = function(ruleName) { this.defaultStartRule = ruleName; return this;};
GrammarDecl.prototype.withSource = function(source) { this.source = new InputStream(source).interval(0, source.length); return this;};
// Creates a Grammar instance, and if it passes the sanity checks, returns = function() { const grammar = new Grammar(, this.ensureSuperGrammar(), this.rules, this.defaultStartRule );
// TODO: change the pexpr.prototype.assert... methods to make them add // exceptions to an array that's provided as an arg. Then we'll be able to // show more than one error of the same type at a time. // TODO: include the offending pexpr in the errors, that way we can show // the part of the source that caused it. const grammarErrors = []; let grammarHasInvalidApplications = false; Object.keys(grammar.rules).forEach(ruleName => { const {body} = grammar.rules[ruleName]; try { body.assertChoicesHaveUniformArity(ruleName); } catch (e) { grammarErrors.push(e); } try { body.assertAllApplicationsAreValid(ruleName, grammar); } catch (e) { grammarErrors.push(e); grammarHasInvalidApplications = true; } }); if (!grammarHasInvalidApplications) { // The following check can only be done if the grammar has no invalid applications. Object.keys(grammar.rules).forEach(ruleName => { const {body} = grammar.rules[ruleName]; try { body.assertIteratedExprsAreNotNullable(grammar, []); } catch (e) { grammarErrors.push(e); } }); } if (grammarErrors.length > 0) { errors.throwErrors(grammarErrors); } if (this.source) { grammar.source = this.source; }
return grammar;};
// Rule declarations
GrammarDecl.prototype.define = function(name, formals, body, description, source) { this.ensureSuperGrammar(); if (this.superGrammar.rules[name]) { throw errors.duplicateRuleDeclaration(name,,, source); } else if (this.rules[name]) { throw errors.duplicateRuleDeclaration(name,,, source); } const duplicateParameterNames = common.getDuplicates(formals); if (duplicateParameterNames.length > 0) { throw errors.duplicateParameterNames(name, duplicateParameterNames, source); } return this.install(name, formals, body, description, source);};
GrammarDecl.prototype.override = function(name, formals, body, descIgnored, source) { this.ensureSuperGrammarRuleForOverriding(name, source); this.installOverriddenOrExtendedRule(name, formals, body, source); return this;};
GrammarDecl.prototype.extend = function(name, formals, fragment, descIgnored, source) { const ruleInfo = this.ensureSuperGrammar().rules[name]; if (!ruleInfo) { throw errors.cannotExtendUndeclaredRule(name,, source); } const body = new pexprs.Extend(this.superGrammar, name, fragment); body.source = fragment.source; this.installOverriddenOrExtendedRule(name, formals, body, source); return this;};
// --------------------------------------------------------------------// Exports// --------------------------------------------------------------------
module.exports = GrammarDecl;