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λ "Functions all the way down" data validation for JavaScript and TypeScript.
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import { isPrimitiveValue, lowerFirst } from './utils.ts';import { ErrItem } from './ok-computer.ts';
interface IError<T = unknown> { // `toPrimitiveError` gives error objects the opportunity to serialize into a primitive value (if possible) readonly toPrimitiveError: () => T;}
export const isIError = (val: any): val is IError => { try { return typeof val.toPrimitiveError === 'function'; } catch (ex) { return false; }};
const STRUCTURE = Symbol('ok-computer.structure');
export interface IStructure { readonly [STRUCTURE]: true;}
export const isIStructure = (val: any): val is IStructure => { try { return val[STRUCTURE] === true; } catch (ex) { return false; }};
export const asStructure = <T>(val: T): T & IStructure => { if (val == null) { throw new Error('Expected object'); } Object.defineProperty(val, STRUCTURE, { value: true, enumerable: false, configurable: false, writable: false }); return val as T & IStructure;};
interface ILogicalOperator<T> { readonly type: string; readonly operator: string; readonly errors: T[];}
export class LogicalOperatorError< // NOTE: `extends any[]` so it can be treated as a tuple if desired // e.g. new LogicalOperatorError<[number, string, boolean]>('OK', [1, 'two', true]) T extends any[]> implements ILogicalOperator<T>, IError<ILogicalOperator<T> | string>{ type: string; operator: string; errors: T; constructor(operator: string, errors: T) { this.type = `${operator}Error`; this.operator = operator; this.errors = errors; if (this.errors.length < 1) { throw new Error(`Expected at least 1 error: ${this.operator}`); } // TODO: Check `errors` are actually errors w/ `isError`? } toPrimitiveError(): string | ILogicalOperator<T> { // If possible, serialize into string const primitiveErrors = => isIError(err) ? err.toPrimitiveError() : err ); if (primitiveErrors.every(isPrimitiveValue)) { const str = primitiveErrors .map((err, i) => err == null ? `${err}` : i === 0 || typeof err !== 'string' ? err.toString() : lowerFirst(err) ) .join(` ${this.operator.toLowerCase()} `); return primitiveErrors.length > 1 ? `(${str})` : str; } // Otherwise just serialize to `ILogicalOperator` return { type: this.type, operator: this.operator, errors: this.errors }; } toJSON() { return this.toPrimitiveError(); } toString() { const error = this.toPrimitiveError(); return typeof error === 'string' ? error : `[object ${this.type}]`; } // Undecided if this is a good idea; could make console.log debugging v. confusing // [Symbol.for('nodejs.util.inspect.custom')]() { // return this.toPrimitiveError(); // }}
export class ORError<T extends any[]> extends LogicalOperatorError<T> { constructor(errors: T) { super('OR', errors); }}
export class ANDError<T extends any[]> extends LogicalOperatorError<T> { constructor(errors: T) { super('AND', errors); }}
export class XORError<T extends any[]> extends LogicalOperatorError<T> { constructor(errors: T) { super('XOR', errors); }}
interface IPeerError<T> { readonly type: string; readonly key: string; readonly error: T;}
export class PeerError<T> implements IPeerError<T>, IError<IPeerError<T> | string>{ type: string; key: string; error: T; constructor(key: string, error: T) { this.type = 'PeerError'; this.key = key; this.error = error; } toPrimitiveError(): string | IPeerError<T> { // If possible, serialize into string const primitiveError = isIError(this.error) ? this.error.toPrimitiveError() : this.error; // Otherwise just serialize to `IPeerError` return typeof primitiveError === 'string' ? `Peer "${this.key}" ${lowerFirst(primitiveError)}` : { type: this.type, key: this.key, error: this.error }; } toJSON() { return this.toPrimitiveError(); } toString() { const primitive = this.toPrimitiveError(); return typeof primitive === 'string' ? primitive : `[object ${this.type}]`; } // [Symbol.for('nodejs.util.inspect.custom')]() { // return this.toPrimitiveError(); // }}
interface INegateError<T> { readonly type: string; readonly error: T;}
export class NegateError<T> implements INegateError<T>, IError<INegateError<T> | string>{ type: string; error: T; constructor(error: T) { this.type = 'NegateError'; this.error = error; } toPrimitiveError(): string | INegateError<T> { return typeof this.error === 'string' ? `not("${this.error}")` : { type: this.type, error: this.error }; } toJSON() { return this.toPrimitiveError(); } toString() { const json = this.toPrimitiveError(); return typeof json === 'string' ? json : `[object ${this.type}]`; } // [Symbol.for('nodejs.util.inspect.custom')]() { // return this.toPrimitiveError(); // }}
export class AssertError extends Error { public errors: ErrItem<any>[]; constructor(errors: ErrItem<any>[]) { super(); try { const firstError = errors[0]; this.message = `Invalid: first of ${errors.length} errors: ${ firstError.path }: ${ firstError.err.toString() !== '[object Object]' ? firstError.err : JSON.stringify(firstError.err) }`; } catch (ex) { this.message = 'Invalid'; } this.errors = errors; }}