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Protobuf toolkit for modern web development
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import { BufReader, BufWriter,} from "";import { TextProtoReader } from "";
export interface BaseProtocolMessage { headers: Headers; body: Uint8Array;}export async function* readBaseProtocolMessages( reader: Deno.Reader,): AsyncGenerator<BaseProtocolMessage> { const bufReader = new BufReader(reader); const textProtoReader = new TextProtoReader(bufReader); while (true) { const headers = await textProtoReader.readMIMEHeader(); if (headers === null) throw new Deno.errors.UnexpectedEof(); const contentLength = headers.get("Content-Length"); if (!contentLength) { throw new Error("Header must provide a Content-Length property."); } const length = parseInt(contentLength); if (isNaN(length)) { throw new Error("Content-Length value must be a number."); } const body = await bufReader.readFull(new Uint8Array(length)); if (!body) throw new Deno.errors.UnexpectedEof(); yield { headers, body }; }}
const textEncoder = new TextEncoder();export async function writeBaseProtocolMessage( writer: Deno.Writer, body: Uint8Array, headers: Headers = new Headers(),): Promise<void> { const bufWriter = new BufWriter(writer); await bufWriter.write( textEncoder.encode(`Content-Length: ${body.length}\r\n`), ); await bufWriter.write(textEncoder.encode( Array.from(headers.entries()).map( ([key, value]) => `${key}: ${value}\r\n`, ).join("") + "\r\n", )); await bufWriter.write(body); await bufWriter.flush();}