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Protobuf toolkit for modern web development
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export type Path = string[];export type Node<T> = File<T> | Folder<T>;
interface NodeBase<TType> { type: TType;}export interface File<T> extends NodeBase<"file"> { value: T;}export interface Folder<T> extends NodeBase<"folder"> { value?: T; children: { [key: string]: Node<T> };}
export const empty: Folder<any> = Object.freeze({ type: "folder", children: Object.freeze({}),});
export function file<T>(value: T): File<T> { return { type: "file", value };}
export function textToPath(text: string, sep: string = "/"): Path { return text.split(sep).filter(Boolean);}
export function* walkFiles<T>( node: Node<T>, path: Path = [],): Generator<[Path, File<T>]> { if (node.type === "file") { yield [path, node]; return; } for (const [name, child] of Object.entries(node.children)) { if (child.type === "file") yield [[...path, name], child]; if (child.type === "folder") yield* walkFiles(child, [...path, name]); }}
export function* walkFolders<T>( node: Node<T>, path: Path = [],): Generator<[Path, Folder<T>]> { if (node.type === "file") return; yield [path, node]; for (const [name, child] of Object.entries(node.children)) { if (child.type === "folder") yield* walkFolders(child, [...path, name]); }}
export function has<T>(folder: Folder<T>, path: Path): boolean { if (path.length < 1) return true; const child = folder.children[path[0]]; if (path.length === 1) return !!child; if (child.type === "file") return false; return has(child, path.slice(1));}
export function get<T>(node: Node<T>, path: Path): Node<T> | undefined { if (path.length < 1) return node; if (node.type === "file") return; const child = node.children[path[0]]; if (!child) return; if (path.length === 1) return child; return get(child, path.slice(1));}
export function set<T>(folder: Folder<T>, path: Path, value: T): Folder<T>;export function set<T>(node: Node<T>, path: Path, value: T): Node<T>;export function set<T>(node: Node<T>, path: Path, value: T): Node<T> { if (path.length < 1) return { ...node, value }; const key = path[0]; const folder = node as Folder<T>; const child = folder?.children?.[key]; return { ...node, type: "folder", children: { ...folder.children, [key]: (!child && (path.length === 1)) ? file(value) : set(child ?? empty, path.slice(1), value), }, };}