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Protobuf toolkit for modern web development
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import { exists } from "";import { getVendorDir } from "../cli/pb/config.ts";import expandEntryPaths from "../cli/pb/cmds/gen/expandEntryPaths.ts";import { loadPollapoYml } from "../cli/pollapo/pollapoYml.ts";import { BuildConfig } from "../core/schema/builder.ts";import { Loader } from "../core/loader/index.ts";import combineLoader from "../core/loader/combineLoader.ts";import memoizeLoader from "../core/loader/memoizeLoader.ts";import { createLoader as createDenoFsLoader, fromFileUrl, resolve,} from "../core/loader/deno-fs.ts";
export interface ProjectManager { addProjectPath(projectPath: string): Promise<void>; getProjectPath(filePath: string): string | undefined; createBuildConfig(filePath: string): Promise<BuildConfig>;}
export function createProjectManager(): ProjectManager { // sorted string array in descending order // ex) ['file:///foo/baz', 'file:///foo/bar/baz', 'file:///foo/bar', 'file:///foo'] const projectPaths: string[] = []; function getProjectPath(filePath: string): string | undefined { return projectPaths.find((p) => filePath.startsWith(p)); } return { async addProjectPath(projectPath) { projectPaths.push(projectPath); projectPaths.sort().reverse(); }, getProjectPath, async createBuildConfig(filePath) { const projectPath = getProjectPath(filePath); if (!projectPath) { const roots = getVendorDirs(); const denoFsLoader = createDenoFsLoader({ roots }); return { loader: memoizeLoader(denoFsLoader), files: [filePath] }; } const entryPaths = [projectPath + "/.pollapo", projectPath]; const files = await expandEntryPaths(entryPaths); files.push(filePath); const roots = [...entryPaths, ...getVendorDirs()]; const denoFsLoader = createDenoFsLoader({ roots }); const repo = await getPollapoRepo(projectPath); if (!repo) return { loader: memoizeLoader(denoFsLoader), files }; return { loader: memoizeLoader(combineLoader( createPollapoRepoLoader(projectPath, repo), denoFsLoader, )), files, }; }, };}
function getVendorDirs() { return [getVendorDir(), "/usr/local/include"];}
async function getPollapoRepo( projectPath: string,): Promise<string | undefined> { try { const pollapoYmlPath = resolve(projectPath, "pollapo.yml"); const pollapoYml = await loadPollapoYml(fromFileUrl(pollapoYmlPath)); if (pollapoYml?.repo) return String(pollapoYml.repo); } catch {}}
function createPollapoRepoLoader(projectPath: string, repo: string): Loader { return { async load(path) { if (!path.startsWith(repo + "/")) return null; const absolutePath = resolve(projectPath, path.slice(repo.length + 1)); const filePath = fromFileUrl(absolutePath); if (!await exists(filePath)) return null; return { absolutePath, data: await Deno.readTextFile(filePath) }; }, };}