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πŸ”Œ Deno plugin management library
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import { Plug } from "../mod.ts";import { assert, assertEquals, Cache, dirname, fromFileUrl, join, resolve, serveFile,} from "../test_deps.ts";
export async function run(path: string) { const options: Plug.Options = { name: "test_ffi", url: path, cache: resolveTest("cache"), };
const lib = await Plug.prepare(options, { test_sync: { parameters: [], result: "i8" }, });
const response = lib.symbols.test_sync();
assertEquals(response, 1);}
export function server(port: number) { const server = Deno.listen({ port });
(async () => { for await (const conn of server) { (async () => { for await (const { request, respondWith } of Deno.serveHttp(conn)) { await respondWith( await serveFile( request, resolve(`./${new URL(request.url).pathname}`), ), ); } })(); } })();
return () => server.close();}
export function resolveTest(...path: string[]) { const dir = dirname(fromFileUrl(import.meta.url)); return resolve(join(dir, ...path));}
export async function assertScript( script: string, ...args: string[]): Promise<void> { script = resolveTest(script); const process ={ cmd: [ "deno", "run", "--allow-read", "--allow-write", "--allow-ffi", "--allow-net", "--unstable", script, ...args, ], stderr: "inherit", stdout: "inherit", }); const status = await process.status(); process.close(); assert(status.success);}
export async function assertCache(): Promise<void> { const cache = resolveTest("cache"); assert((await Deno.lstat(cache)).isDirectory);
const files = []; for (const _ of Deno.readDirSync(cache)) { files.push(_); }
assert(files.length > 0);}
export async function cleanCache() { Cache.configure({ directory: resolveTest("cache"), }); await Cache.purge("plug");}