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Simple ORM for PostGRES


An Object Relational Mapping Tool for Deno Runtime Environment

Ponder is an ORM for PostGres using the Deno runtime, eliminating the need for developers to spend valuable time writing complex SQL queries.

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How to add to your Project

To use, please import the Ponder URI. You now have access to all the methods on the “ponder” object!

import * as ponder from "";


Using dotenv Module from Deno

It is recommended to use the dotenv module from Deno to protect sensitive information. Import the dotenv module, write your Database URI as a variable in your own .env file, and then you can refer to it using that variable label.


import "";

const PG_URI = Deno.env.get('PG_URI');  // returns YourDatabaseURI from .env file

Connecting Your Database

Create a new instance of poolConnection passing in the database connection string. By default, the number of pool connections is set to three and lazy loading is enabled. Users may also specify the number of server connections and whether the loading type is lazy.

import{ poolConnection } from'./deps.ts

const ponder = new poolConnection('PG_URI') // with default three connections and lazy loading
const ponder = new poolConnection('PG_URI', 5, false) // with five connections and lazy loading disabled.


Find a Table

findAllInOne(table: string): returns all data from all rows of a table.

const data = await ponder.findAllinOne('people');  // returns an array with an object containing all data on the 'people' table

Find a Column in a Table

findColumn(column: string, table: string): returns a specific column from a specified table.

const data = await ponder.findColumn('age', 'people');  // stores values from age column from the people table in the const data

Find a Row in a Table

findRow(table: string, attr: string, value: string): returns rows matching specific criteria.

const data = await ponder.findRow('people', 'hair', 'brown');  // stores values from rows in the people table where their hair is brown in the const data

Find a Cell in a Table

findCell(table: string, column: string, value: string): returns data from the first row matching specific criteria.

ponder.findCell('people', 'name', 'corey');

Add a Row to a Table

insertIntoTable(table: string, columns: string[], values: string[]): add a new row to an existing table.

ponder.insertIntoTable(table, [column1, column2], [value1, value2]);

Update a Column in a Table

updateTable( table: string, column_name: string[], newValue: string[], columnToMeet: string[], valueToMeet: string[], operator?: string, ): updates columns on existing table. The properties columnToMeet and valueToMeet create the conditional statement that must be satisfied before the table is updated. Please note that update table updates the first matching table entry. The operator parameter takes the argument of either “or” or “not.” If left blank, the default is “and.”

Ponder.updateTable(table: string, ...column: string[], ...value: string[], [q1, q2,
...], [a1, a2, ...], operator?);

Ponder.updateTable(people, [hair_color, eye_color], ['blonde', 'hazel'], [name], ['Fyodor']); // UPDATE TABLE people SET hair_color = 'blonde', eye_color = 'hazel' WHERE name = 'Fyodor';

Ponder.updateTable(people, [hair_color, eye_color], ['blonde', 'hazel'], [name, birth_year], ['Anton', '1860'], 'or'); // UPDATE TABLE people SET hair_color = 'blonde', eye_color = 'hazel' WHERE name = 'Anton' OR birth_year = '1860';

Delete a row on a Table

deleteRow(table: string, column: string[], value: string[]): remove an entire row of data from a table.

ponder.deleteRow(hair_color, ['blonde', 'pink'], ['Clemntine']);

Basic CRUD Functionality

Create Table

createTable(tableName: string, columns: any): use this method to create new tables. This method will only return a message that your table is in the database. The first parameter is a string that you’d like to use for your Table Name. The second parameter is an object. Each key of the object is a name of a column on your new table. The value will be an array of strings, where the first element is the SQL datatype, the second element is the length(optional), and third and any other elements would be column constraints you’d like to add like NULL or NOT NULL, etc.

ponder.createTable('Cats', {
   id: ["SERIAL"]
   areCute: ["VARCHAR", "20", "NOT NULL"],

Drop One Table

dropOneTable(tableName: string, cascade?: boolean): Deletes an entire table. Optional boolean to include CASCADE command (default is RESTRICT).

ponder.dropOneTable('Cats', true);

Drop Multiple Tables

dropMultipleTables(tableNamesArray : string[], cascade?: boolean): deletes multiple tables. Optional boolean to include CASCADE command (default is RESTRICT).

ponder.dropMultipleTables(['Cats', 'People'], true);

Add Columns to an Existing Table

addColumns(tableToAlter : string, columns: any): add one or more columns to existing Table. The first parameter is a string of the Table Name you’d like to alter. The second parameter is an object. Each key of the object is a name of a column on your table. The value will be an array of strings, where the first element is the SQL datatype, the second element is the length(optional), and third and any other elements would be column constraints you’d like to add like NULL or NOT NULL, etc.

ponder.addColumns('programmers', {
    id: ["SERIAL"]
    howSmart: ["VARCHAR", "20", "NOT NULL"]

Drop Columns from a Table

dropColumns(tableName: string, columnsToDrop: any): Delete an entire column. The first argument is a string, the name of the table. The second argument is an object. The keys are the names of the columns you’d like to delete, the values are booleans (true for CASCADE, false for RESTRICT.)

ponder.dropColumns('people', columnsToDrop: {programmers: true});

Database Introspection

Ponder provides an introspect method to receive JavaScript representations of the data in your SQL Table. Because running the introspect method will create/write a new file in your file system, it is recommended to create a new file in your project root directory. Run this file using deno run to execute introspection. (If you keep your instrospect execution within another file, it may run repeated on the same database and will write unnecessary duplicates in your file system).

After importing ponder from your deps.ts file or from ponder directly, you’ll need to first connect your database. After making a connection, all you need to do is invoke instrospect function:


You will see a new file called dataModels.ts in your root directory that contain models of your database tables!

// class person extends Model and represents the "person" table in database

import { Model } from './deps.ts' 

export class person extends Model { 
tableName = 'person' 
 static person_id = { 
    data_type: 'integer', 
    is_nullable: 'NO', 
 static name = { 
    data_type: 'character varying', 
    is_nullable: 'YES', 
 static hair_color = { 
    data_type: 'character varying', 
    is_nullable: 'YES', 
 static age = { 
    data_type: 'integer', 
    is_nullable: 'YES', 
 static height = { 
    data_type: 'integer', 
    is_nullable: 'YES', 
 static favorite_movie = { 
    data_type: 'character varying', 
    is_nullable: 'YES', 
 static favorite_movie = { 
    data_type: 'character varying', 
    is_nullable: 'YES', 

// Each class is accompanied by an Interface
export interface person { 
  name: string; 
  hair_color: string; 
  age: number; 
  height: number; 
  favorite_movie: string; 
  favorite_book: string; 

Model Methods

Database introspection allows the user to interact with their database through object representations of the tables.

// Create an instance of the Model 
const newPerson = new person();

// Use dot notation to assign values to properties on new object.  
//git sIf the types are incorrect, or a value is added to a property that does not exist on model, an error will be thrown. = 'Sara';
newPerson.hair_color = 'dark brown';

Save new row to table

After instantiating an instance of your model, invoke the save() method on it to save it to you database

// Invoke method.  A new row will be added to the "person" table with the properties added above saved in their respective columns;

Update a row

Note that once a foreign key has been set, you CANNOT update it If you change properties on your instance and wish to update your database with the new values, invoke the update() method

//Change properties on instance = 'Johannes';
newPerson.hair_color = 'black';
newPerson.age = 22;

// Invoking update function makes these changes in database

Search all entries in table

Invoking search() on an instance will return all the data from the table the instance is a part of.;  //Stores all data from "people" table in variable

Delete from table

Deletes row from table

// Invoke method on instance to delete that row from table

Under Development

  • CLI tool

Making contributions

To make contributions, create a fork of the dev branch. Please be sure to utilize the Deno Typescript linter. Ensure that any changes made are reflected in the documentation. Make a pull request to the Dev branch when you have finished making your changes, note that once submitted any changes made will be covered under the MIT license. Feel free to contact the maintainers with any questions or concerns

Submitting bugs

If you come across any bugs or issues while using Ponder feel free to report by simply opening a new issue on our Github.


MIT License