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Pothos GraphQL is library for creating GraphQL schemas in typescript using a strongly typed code first approach
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type alias ErrorFieldOptions
import { type ErrorFieldOptions } from "";

Type Parameters

Types extends SchemaTypes
Type extends TypeParam<Types>
Nullable extends FieldNullability<Type>
definition: EmptyToOptional<{ types?: (new (...args: any[]) => Error)[]; directResult?: Type extends unknown[] ? false : boolean; union: Normalize<Omit<PothosSchemaTypes.UnionTypeOptions<Types>, "resolveType" | "types"> & { name?: string; }>; result: Normalize<Omit<PothosSchemaTypes.ObjectTypeOptions<Types, Shape>, "interfaces" | "isTypeOf"> & { name?: string; }>; dataField: Normalize<Omit<PothosSchemaTypes.ObjectFieldOptions<Types, Shape, Type, Type extends [unknown] ? { list: false; items: Nullable extends { items: boolean; } ? Nullable["items"] : true; } : false, { }, Shape>,
| "args"
| "nullable"
| "resolve"
| "type"
> & { name?: string; }>; }>