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class Router
import { Router } from "";

An interface for registering middleware that will run when certain HTTP methods and paths are requested, as well as provides a way to parameterize parts of the requested path.


Router(opts?: RouterOptions)

Type Parameters

RP extends RouteParams = RouteParams
RS extends State = Record<string, any>


all<P extends RouteParams = RP, S extends State = RS>(
name: string,
path: string,
middleware: RouterMiddleware<P, S>,
...middlewares: RouterMiddleware<P, S>[],
): Router<P extends RP ? P : (P & RP), S extends RS ? S : (S & RS)>

Register named middleware for the specified routes when the DELETE, GET, POST, or PUT method is requested.

all<P extends RouteParams = RP, S extends State = RS>(
path: string,
middleware: RouterMiddleware<P, S>,
...middlewares: RouterMiddleware<P, S>[],
): Router<P extends RP ? P : (P & RP), S extends RS ? S : (S & RS)>

Register middleware for the specified routes when the DELETE, GET, POST, or PUT method is requested.

allowedMethods(options?: RouterAllowedMethodsOptions): Middleware

Middleware that handles requests for HTTP methods registered with the router. If none of the routes handle a method, then "not allowed" logic will be used. If a method is supported by some routes, but not the particular matched router, then "not implemented" will be returned.

The middleware will also automatically handle the OPTIONS method, responding with a 200 OK when the Allowed header sent to the allowed methods for a given route.

By default, a "not allowed" request will respond with a 405 Not Allowed and a "not implemented" will respond with a 501 Not Implemented. Setting the option .throw to true will cause the middleware to throw an HTTPError instead of setting the response status. The error can be overridden by providing a .notImplemented or .notAllowed method in the options, of which the value will be returned will be thrown instead of the HTTP error.

delete<P extends RouteParams = RP, S extends State = RS>(
name: string,
path: string,
middleware: RouterMiddleware<P, S>,
...middlewares: RouterMiddleware<P, S>[],
): Router<P extends RP ? P : (P & RP), S extends RS ? S : (S & RS)>

Register named middleware for the specified routes when the DELETE, method is requested.

delete<P extends RouteParams = RP, S extends State = RS>(
path: string,
middleware: RouterMiddleware<P, S>,
...middlewares: RouterMiddleware<P, S>[],
): Router<P extends RP ? P : (P & RP), S extends RS ? S : (S & RS)>

Register middleware for the specified routes when the DELETE, method is requested.

entries(): IterableIterator<[Route, Route]>

Iterate over the routes currently added to the router. To be compatible with the iterable interfaces, both the key and value are set to the value of the route.

forEach(callback: (
value1: Route,
value2: Route,
router: this,
) => void
, thisArg?: any
): void

Iterate over the routes currently added to the router, calling the callback function for each value.

get<P extends RouteParams = RP, S extends State = RS>(
name: string,
path: string,
middleware: RouterMiddleware<P, S>,
...middlewares: RouterMiddleware<P, S>[],
): Router<P extends RP ? P : (P & RP), S extends RS ? S : (S & RS)>

Register named middleware for the specified routes when the GET, method is requested.

get<P extends RouteParams = RP, S extends State = RS>(
path: string,
middleware: RouterMiddleware<P, S>,
...middlewares: RouterMiddleware<P, S>[],
): Router<P extends RP ? P : (P & RP), S extends RS ? S : (S & RS)>

Register middleware for the specified routes when the GET, method is requested.

head<P extends RouteParams = RP, S extends State = RS>(
name: string,
path: string,
middleware: RouterMiddleware<P, S>,
...middlewares: RouterMiddleware<P, S>[],
): Router<P extends RP ? P : (P & RP), S extends RS ? S : (S & RS)>

Register named middleware for the specified routes when the HEAD, method is requested.

head<P extends RouteParams = RP, S extends State = RS>(
path: string,
middleware: RouterMiddleware<P, S>,
...middlewares: RouterMiddleware<P, S>[],
): Router<P extends RP ? P : (P & RP), S extends RS ? S : (S & RS)>

Register middleware for the specified routes when the HEAD, method is requested.

keys(): IterableIterator<Route>

Iterate over the routes currently added to the router. To be compatible with the iterable interfaces, the key is set to the value of the route.

options<P extends RouteParams = RP, S extends State = RS>(
name: string,
path: string,
middleware: RouterMiddleware<P, S>,
...middlewares: RouterMiddleware<P, S>[],
): Router<P extends RP ? P : (P & RP), S extends RS ? S : (S & RS)>

Register named middleware for the specified routes when the OPTIONS, method is requested.

options<P extends RouteParams = RP, S extends State = RS>(
path: string,
middleware: RouterMiddleware<P, S>,
...middlewares: RouterMiddleware<P, S>[],
): Router<P extends RP ? P : (P & RP), S extends RS ? S : (S & RS)>

Register middleware for the specified routes when the OPTIONS, method is requested.

param<S extends State = RS>(param: keyof RP, middleware: RouterParamMiddleware<RP, S>): Router<RP, S>

Register param middleware, which will be called when the particular param is parsed from the route.

patch<P extends RouteParams = RP, S extends State = RS>(
name: string,
path: string,
middleware: RouterMiddleware<P, S>,
...middlewares: RouterMiddleware<P, S>[],
): Router<P extends RP ? P : (P & RP), S extends RS ? S : (S & RS)>

Register named middleware for the specified routes when the PATCH, method is requested.

patch<P extends RouteParams = RP, S extends State = RS>(
path: string,
middleware: RouterMiddleware<P, S>,
...middlewares: RouterMiddleware<P, S>[],
): Router<P extends RP ? P : (P & RP), S extends RS ? S : (S & RS)>

Register middleware for the specified routes when the PATCH, method is requested.

post<P extends RouteParams = RP, S extends State = RS>(
name: string,
path: string,
middleware: RouterMiddleware<P, S>,
...middlewares: RouterMiddleware<P, S>[],
): Router<P extends RP ? P : (P & RP), S extends RS ? S : (S & RS)>

Register named middleware for the specified routes when the POST, method is requested.

post<P extends RouteParams = RP, S extends State = RS>(
path: string,
middleware: RouterMiddleware<P, S>,
...middlewares: RouterMiddleware<P, S>[],
): Router<P extends RP ? P : (P & RP), S extends RS ? S : (S & RS)>

Register middleware for the specified routes when the POST, method is requested.

prefix(prefix: string): this

Set the router prefix for this router.

put<P extends RouteParams = RP, S extends State = RS>(
name: string,
path: string,
middleware: RouterMiddleware<P, S>,
...middlewares: RouterMiddleware<P, S>[],
): Router<P extends RP ? P : (P & RP), S extends RS ? S : (S & RS)>

Register named middleware for the specified routes when the PUT method is requested.

put<P extends RouteParams = RP, S extends State = RS>(
path: string,
middleware: RouterMiddleware<P, S>,
...middlewares: RouterMiddleware<P, S>[],
): Router<P extends RP ? P : (P & RP), S extends RS ? S : (S & RS)>

Register middleware for the specified routes when the PUT method is requested.

source: string,
destination: string | URL,
status?: RedirectStatus,
): this

Register a direction middleware, where when the source path is matched the router will redirect the request to the destination path. A status of 302 Found will be set by default.

The source and destination can be named routes.

routes(): Middleware

Return middleware that will do all the route processing that the router has been configured to handle. Typical usage would be something like this:

import { Application, Router } from "";

const app = new Application();
const router = new Router();

// register routes

await app.listen({ port: 80 });
url<P extends RouteParams = RP>(
name: string,
params?: P,
options?: UrlOptions,
): string | undefined

Generate a URL pathname for a named route, interpolating the optional params provided. Also accepts an optional set of options.

use<P extends RouteParams = RP, S extends State = RS>(middleware: RouterMiddleware<P, S>, ...middlewares: RouterMiddleware<P, S>[]): Router<P extends RP ? P : (P & RP), S extends RS ? S : (S & RS)>

Register middleware to be used on every matched route.

use<P extends RouteParams = RP, S extends State = RS>(
path: string | string[],
middleware: RouterMiddleware<P, S>,
...middlewares: RouterMiddleware<P, S>[],
): Router<P extends RP ? P : (P & RP), S extends RS ? S : (S & RS)>

Register middleware to be used on every route that matches the supplied path.

values(): IterableIterator<Route<RP, RS>>

Iterate over the routes currently added to the router.

[Symbol.for("Deno.customInspect")](inspect: (value: unknown) => string)
[Symbol.iterator](): IterableIterator<Route<RP, RS>>

Provide an iterator interface that iterates over the routes registered with the router.

Static Methods

path: string,
params?: RouteParams,
options?: UrlOptions,
): string

Generate a URL pathname based on the provided path, interpolating the optional params provided. Also accepts an optional set of options.