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import {sortByPath} from 'rambda'
interface Input { a: {b: number},}
describe('R.sortByPath', () => { it('with string as path', () => { const input: Input[] = [{a: {b: 2}}, {a: {b: 1}}] const result = sortByPath('a.b', input) const curriedResult = sortByPath('a.b')(input)
result // $ExpectType readonly Input[] curriedResult // $ExpectType readonly Input[] result[0].a.b // $ExpectType number }) it('with list of strings as path', () => { const input: Input[] = [{a: {b: 2}}, {a: {b: 1}}] const result = sortByPath(['a', 'b'], input) const curriedResult = sortByPath(['a', 'b'])(input)
result // $ExpectType readonly Input[] curriedResult // $ExpectType readonly Input[] result[0].a.b // $ExpectType number })})