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import { assocPath } from './assocPath'
test('string can be used as path input', () => { const testObj = { a : [ { b : 1 }, { b : 2 } ], d : 3, } const result = assocPath( 'a.0.b', 10, testObj ) const expected = { a : [ { b : 10 }, { b : 2 } ], d : 3, } expect(result).toEqual(expected)})
test('bug', () => { /* */ const state = {}
const withDateLike = assocPath( [ 'outerProp', '2020-03-10' ], { prop : 2 }, state ) const withNumber = assocPath( [ 'outerProp', '5' ], { prop : 2 }, state )
const withDateLikeExpected = { outerProp : { '2020-03-10' : { prop : 2 } } } const withNumberExpected = { outerProp : { 5 : { prop : 2 } } } expect(withDateLike).toEqual(withDateLikeExpected) expect(withNumber).toEqual(withNumberExpected)})
test('adds a key to an empty object', () => { expect(assocPath( [ 'a' ], 1, {} )).toEqual({ a : 1 })})
test('adds a key to a non-empty object', () => { expect(assocPath( 'b', 2, { a : 1 } )).toEqual({ a : 1, b : 2, })})
test('adds a nested key to a non-empty object', () => { expect(assocPath( 'b.c', 2, { a : 1 } )).toEqual({ a : 1, b : { c : 2 }, })})
test('adds a nested key to a nested non-empty object - curry case 1', () => { expect(assocPath('b.d', 3)({ a : 1, b : { c : 2 }, })).toEqual({ a : 1, b : { c : 2, d : 3, }, })})
test('adds a key to a non-empty object - curry case 1', () => { expect(assocPath('b', 2)({ a : 1 })).toEqual({ a : 1, b : 2, })})
test('adds a nested key to a non-empty object - curry case 1', () => { expect(assocPath('b.c', 2)({ a : 1 })).toEqual({ a : 1, b : { c : 2 }, })})
test('adds a key to a non-empty object - curry case 2', () => { expect(assocPath('b')(2, { a : 1 })).toEqual({ a : 1, b : 2, })})
test('adds a key to a non-empty object - curry case 3', () => { const result = assocPath('b')(2)({ a : 1 })
expect(result).toEqual({ a : 1, b : 2, })})
test('changes an existing key', () => { expect(assocPath( 'a', 2, { a : 1 } )).toEqual({ a : 2 })})
test('undefined is considered an empty object', () => { expect(assocPath( 'a', 1, undefined )).toEqual({ a : 1 })})
test('null is considered an empty object', () => { expect(assocPath( 'a', 1, null )).toEqual({ a : 1 })})
test('value can be null', () => { expect(assocPath( 'a', null, null )).toEqual({ a : null })})
test('value can be undefined', () => { expect(assocPath( 'a', undefined, null )).toEqual({ a : undefined })})
test('assignment is shallow', () => { expect(assocPath( 'a', { b : 2 }, { a : { c : 3 } } )).toEqual({ a : { b : 2 } })})
test('empty array as path', () => { const result = assocPath( [], 3, { a : 1, b : 2, } ) expect(result).toEqual(3)})
test('happy', () => { const expected = { foo : { bar : { baz : 42 } } } const result = assocPath( [ 'foo', 'bar', 'baz' ], 42, { foo : null } ) expect(result).toEqual(expected)})