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Faster and smaller alternative to Ramda
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const options = { targets : { node : 'current' } }
module.exports = function (wallaby){ return { name: 'Rambda', filesWithNoCoverageCalculated: ['src/**/*.js'], runMode: 'onsave', files: [ { pattern: 'rambda.js', load: false }, { pattern: 'package.json', load: false }, { pattern: 'source/*.js', load: false }, { pattern: 'source/_internals/*.js', load: false }, { pattern: '!scripts/**/*.js', load: false, instrument:false }, { pattern: 'src/*.js', load: false }, { pattern: 'src/_internals/*.js', load: false }, { pattern: '!source/**/*.spec.js', load: false }, ], tests: [ 'source/**/*.spec.js' ], compilers: { '**/*.js': wallaby.compilers.babel({ presets : [ ['@babel/preset-env', options] ], }) }, workers: { reload: true, initial: 4, regular: 2 }, env: { type: 'node', params: { env: 'WALLABY=ON' } }, testFramework: 'jest', debug: false, }}