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import {always} from './always'import {cond} from './cond'import {equals} from './equals'import {T} from './T'
test('returns a function', () => { expect(typeof cond([])).toEqual('function')})
test('returns a conditional function', () => { const fn = cond([ [equals(0), always('water freezes at 0°C')], [equals(100), always('water boils at 100°C')], [ T, function (temp) { return 'nothing special happens at ' + temp + '°C' }, ], ]) expect(fn(0)).toEqual('water freezes at 0°C') expect(fn(50)).toEqual('nothing special happens at 50°C') expect(fn(100)).toEqual('water boils at 100°C')})
test('no winner', () => { const fn = cond([ [equals('foo'), always(1)], [equals('bar'), always(2)], ]) expect(fn('quux')).toEqual(undefined)})
test('predicates are tested in order', () => { const fn = cond([ [T, always('foo')], [T, always('bar')], [T, always('baz')], ]) expect(fn()).toEqual('foo')})