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import {result} from 'lodash'
import {delay} from './delay'import {isValidAsync} from './isValidAsync'
const simplePredicate = async x => { await delay(100)
return x > 5}
test('happy', async () => { const input = { a: 1, b: 7, c: 9, additional: 'foo', } const invalidInput = { a: 1, b: 2, c: 9, } const schema = { a: Number, b: simplePredicate, c: simplePredicate, } const invalidSchema = { a: Boolean, b: simplePredicate, c: simplePredicate, } const result = await isValidAsync({ input, schema, }) const invalidResult = await isValidAsync({ input, schema: invalidSchema, }) const withInvalidInput = await isValidAsync({ input: invalidInput, schema, }) expect(result).toBeTruthy() expect(invalidResult).toBeFalsy() expect(withInvalidInput).toBeFalsy()})
test('without async rules', async () => { const input = { a: 1, b: 7, } const schema = { a: Number, b: x => x > 2, } const invalidSchema = { a: Number, b: Boolean, } const result = await isValidAsync({ input, schema, }) const invalidResult = await isValidAsync({ input, schema: invalidSchema, })
expect(result).toBeTruthy() expect(invalidResult).toBeFalsy()})
test('readme example', async () => { const input = { a: 1, b: 2, } const invalidInput = { a: 1, b: 'foo', } const schema = { a: Number, b: async x => { await delay(100)
return typeof x === 'number' }, } const result = await Promise.all([ isValidAsync({ schema, input, }), isValidAsync({ schema, input: invalidInput, }), ]) expect(result).toEqual([true, false])})