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import {ok, schemaToString} from './ok'
test('happy', () => { expect(() => { ok(1, 'foo', {})('number', 'string', 'object') }).not.toThrow()})
test('when validation fails', () => { const errorMessage = `Failed R.ok -reason: {"input":{},"schema":"string"}all inputs: [1,"foo",{}]all schemas: ["number","string","string"]`
expect(() => ok(1, 'foo', {})('number', 'string', 'string') ).toThrowWithMessage(Error, errorMessage)})
/* TODO What about {a: Function}*/test('schema in error message', () => { const result = schemaToString({ _a: [Number], a: Number, b: x => x > 2, c: ['foo', 'bar'], d: [{a: String}], e: 'boolean', f: Array, h: Object, })
expect(result).toMatchInlineSnapshot(` Object { "_a": "Array", "a": "number", "b": "Function", "c": "Array", "d": "Array", "e": "String", "f": "array", "h": "object", } `)})
test('error contains schema', () => { try { ok(1, 'foo', {})({a: Number}, String, String) expect(false).toBeTrue() } catch (e) { expect(e.message.startsWith('Failed R.ok -')).toBeTruthy() expect(e).toBeInstanceOf(Error) }})
test('when not throws with single schema', () => { expect(() => ok(1, 2, 3)('number')).not.toThrow()})
test('when throws with single schema', () => { expect(() => ok(1, 2, '3')('number')).toThrow()})
test('when throws with single input', () => { expect(() => ok('3')('number')).toThrow()})