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import {sortObject} from 'rambda'
const obj = { c: 1, a: 2, b: 3,}
describe('R.sortObjectEvery', () => { it('predicate with all arguments', () => { const result = sortObject((propA, propB, valueA, valueB) => { propA // $ExpectType string propB // $ExpectType string valueA // $ExpectType number valueB // $ExpectType number return propA > propB ? -1 : 1 }, obj)
result // $ExpectType { [keyOutput: string]: number; } })
it('predicate with only property arguments', () => { const result = sortObject((propA, propB) => { propA // $ExpectType string propB // $ExpectType string return propA > propB ? -1 : 1 }, obj)
result // $ExpectType { [keyOutput: string]: number; } })})
describe('R.sortObjectEvery - curried version needs to pass a type', () => { it('predicate with all arguments', () => { const result = sortObject<number>((propA, propB, valueA, valueB) => { propA // $ExpectType string propB // $ExpectType string valueA // $ExpectType number valueB // $ExpectType number return propA > propB ? -1 : 1 })(obj)
result // $ExpectType { [keyOutput: string]: number; } })
it('predicate with only property arguments', () => { const result = sortObject<number>((propA, propB) => { propA // $ExpectType string propB // $ExpectType string return propA > propB ? -1 : 1 })(obj)
result // $ExpectType { [keyOutput: string]: number; } })})