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Faster and smaller alternative to Ramda
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import {splitAt as splitAtRamda} from 'ramda'
import {splitAt} from './splitAt'
const list = [1, 2, 3]const str = 'foo bar'
test('with array', () => { const result = splitAt(2, list) expect(result).toEqual([[1, 2], [3]])})
test('with array - index is negative number', () => { const result = splitAt(-6, list) expect(result).toEqual([[], list])})
test('with array - index is out of scope', () => { const result = splitAt(4, list) expect(result).toEqual([[1, 2, 3], []])})
test('with string', () => { const result = splitAt(4, str) expect(result).toEqual(['foo ', 'bar'])})
test('with string - index is negative number', () => { const result = splitAt(-2, str) expect(result).toEqual(['foo b', 'ar'])})
test('with string - index is out of scope', () => { const result = splitAt(10, str) expect(result).toEqual([str, ''])})
test('with array - index is out of scope', () => { const result = splitAt(4)(list) expect(result).toEqual([[1, 2, 3], []])})
const badInputs = [1, true, /foo/g, {}]const throwingBadInputs = [null, undefined]
test('with bad inputs', () => { throwingBadInputs.forEach(badInput => { expect(() => splitAt(1, badInput)).toThrowWithMessage( TypeError, `Cannot read property 'slice' of ${badInput}` ) expect(() => splitAtRamda(1, badInput)).toThrowWithMessage( TypeError, `Cannot read properties of ${badInput} (reading 'slice')` ) })
badInputs.forEach(badInput => { const result = splitAt(1, badInput) const ramdaResult = splitAtRamda(1, badInput) expect(result).toEqual(ramdaResult) })})