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Ruck is an open source buildless React web application framework for Deno.
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// @ts-check
import { createElement as h, Fragment } from "react";
/** Document head tag manager {@linkcode Fragment}. */export default class HeadManager extends EventTarget { constructor() { super();
/** * @type {Map< * import("react").ReactNode, * { key: string, priority: number } * >} */ this.managed = new Map(); }
/** * Gets the managed document head tag content. * * If multiple entries have the same head tag fragment key, higher priority or * later added ones override. * * The final head tag fragments are ordered by key, ensuring: * * - The project author can control the order. * - Adding or removing managed document head tags causes minimal React * rendering DOM mutations that can cause FOUC. */ getHeadContent() { /** * @type {Map< * string, * { priority: number, content: import("react").ReactNode } * >} */ const deduped = new Map();
for (const [content, { key, priority }] of [...this.managed].reverse()) { const existing = deduped.get(key);
if (!existing || existing.priority < priority) { deduped.set(key, { priority, content }); } }
const sorted = new Map([...deduped].sort(([a], [b]) => a.localeCompare(b))); const content = [];
for (const [key, value] of sorted) { content.push(h(Fragment, { key }, value.content)); }
return content; }
/** * Adds document head tags. * @param {string} key Head tag fragment key. * @param {import("react").ReactNode} content Memoized React content * containing head tags. * @param {number} [priority=0] Priority. Higher priority managed head tags * override lower priority ones with the same head tag fragment key. */ add(key, content, priority = 0) { if (typeof key !== "string") { throw new TypeError("Argument 1 `key` must be a string."); }
if (arguments.length < 2) { throw new TypeError("Argument 2 `content` must be specified."); }
if (typeof priority !== "number") { throw new TypeError("Argument 3 `priority` must be a number."); }
const preexisting = this.managed.get(content);
if (!preexisting) { this.managed.set(content, { key, priority }); this.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent("update")); } else { if (key !== preexisting.key) { throw new TypeError( `Argument 2 \`content\` already added with a different \`key\` of \`${preexisting.key}\`.`, ); }
if (priority !== preexisting.priority) { throw new TypeError( `Argument 2 \`content\` already added with a different \`priority\` of \`${preexisting.priority}\`.`, ); }
// Do nothing as this exact combination of arguments has already been // added. } }
/** * Removes document head tags. * @param {import("react").ReactNode} content Memoized React content * containing head tags to remove. */ remove(content) { if (this.managed.has(content)) { this.managed.delete(content); this.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent("update")); } }}