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Ruck is an open source buildless React web application framework for Deno.
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// @ts-check
import { createElement as h } from "react";import { renderToStaticMarkup } from "react-dom/server";import { assertEquals, assertStrictEquals, assertThrows,} from "std/testing/asserts.ts";
import HeadManager from "./HeadManager.mjs";
Deno.test("`HeadManager` constructor.", () => { const headManager = new HeadManager();
assertStrictEquals(headManager instanceof EventTarget, true); assertEquals(headManager.managed, new Map()); assertStrictEquals(typeof headManager.add, "function"); assertStrictEquals(typeof headManager.remove, "function"); assertStrictEquals(typeof headManager.getHeadContent, "function");});
Deno.test( "`HeadManager` method `add` with argument 1 `key` not a string.", () => { const headManager = new HeadManager();
headManager.addEventListener("update", () => { throw new Error("Unexpected `update` event."); });
assertThrows( () => { headManager.add( // @ts-expect-error Testing invalid. true, h("title", null, ""), ); }, TypeError, "Argument 1 `key` must be a string.", ); },);
Deno.test( "`HeadManager` method `add` with argument 2 `content` not specified.", () => { const headManager = new HeadManager();
headManager.addEventListener("update", () => { throw new Error("Unexpected `update` event."); });
assertThrows( () => { headManager // @ts-expect-error Testing invalid. .add("a"); }, TypeError, "Argument 2 `content` must be specified.", ); },);
Deno.test( "`HeadManager` method `add` with argument 3 `priority` not a number.", () => { const headManager = new HeadManager();
headManager.addEventListener("update", () => { throw new Error("Unexpected `update` event."); });
assertThrows( () => { headManager.add( "a", h("title", null, ""), // @ts-expect-error Testing invalid. true, ); }, TypeError, "Argument 3 `priority` must be a number.", ); },);
Deno.test("`HeadManager` method `add`, unpopulated, priority default.", () => { const headManager = new HeadManager(); const key = "a"; const content = h("title", null, "");
/** @type {Array<Event>} */ const events = [];
headManager.addEventListener("update", (/** @type {Event} */ event) => { events.push(event); assertEquals(Array.from(headManager.managed.entries()), [ [content, { key, priority: 0 }], ]); });
headManager.add(key, content);
assertStrictEquals(events.length, 1); assertStrictEquals(events[0] instanceof CustomEvent, true); assertStrictEquals(events[0].type, "update"); assertStrictEquals(events[0].cancelable, false);});
Deno.test( "`HeadManager` method `add`, unpopulated, priority specified.", () => { const headManager = new HeadManager(); const key = "a"; const content = h("title", null, ""); const priority = 1;
/** @type {Array<Event>} */ const events = [];
headManager.addEventListener("update", (/** @type {Event} */ event) => { events.push(event); assertEquals(Array.from(headManager.managed.entries()), [ [content, { key, priority }], ]); });
headManager.add(key, content, priority);
assertStrictEquals(events.length, 1); assertStrictEquals(events[0] instanceof CustomEvent, true); assertStrictEquals(events[0].type, "update"); assertStrictEquals(events[0].cancelable, false); },);
Deno.test( "`HeadManager` method `add`, populated, keys same, content same, priorities same.", () => { const headManager = new HeadManager(); const key = "a"; const content = h("title", null, ""); const priority = 1;
headManager.add(key, content, priority); headManager.addEventListener("update", () => { throw new Error("Unexpected `update` event."); });
headManager.add(key, content, priority);
assertEquals(Array.from(headManager.managed.entries()), [ [content, { key, priority }], ]); },);
Deno.test( "`HeadManager` method `add`, populated, keys different, content same, priorities same.", () => { const headManager = new HeadManager(); const firstKey = "a"; const content = h("title", null, ""); const priority = 1;
headManager.add(firstKey, content, priority); headManager.addEventListener("update", () => { throw new Error("Unexpected `update` event."); });
const secondKey = "b";
assertThrows( () => { headManager.add(secondKey, content, priority); }, TypeError, `Argument 2 \`content\` already added with a different \`key\` of \`${firstKey}\`.`, );
assertEquals(Array.from(headManager.managed.entries()), [ [content, { key: firstKey, priority }], ]); },);
Deno.test( "`HeadManager` method `add`, populated, keys same, content same, priorities different.", () => { const headManager = new HeadManager(); const key = "a"; const content = h("title", null, ""); const firstPriority = 1;
headManager.add(key, content, firstPriority); headManager.addEventListener("update", () => { throw new Error("Unexpected `update` event."); });
const secondPriority = 2;
assertThrows( () => { headManager.add(key, content, secondPriority); }, TypeError, `Argument 2 \`content\` already added with a different \`priority\` of \`${firstPriority}\`.`, );
assertEquals(Array.from(headManager.managed.entries()), [ [content, { key, priority: firstPriority }], ]); },);
Deno.test("`HeadManager` method `add`, populated, content different.", () => { const headManager = new HeadManager(); const firstKey = "a"; const firstContent = h("title", null, "a"); const secondKey = "b"; const secondContent = h("meta", { name: "description", content: "b" });
headManager.add(firstKey, firstContent);
/** @type {Array<Event>} */ const events = [];
headManager.addEventListener("update", (/** @type {Event} */ event) => { events.push(event); assertEquals(Array.from(headManager.managed.entries()), [ [ firstContent, { key: firstKey, priority: 0, }, ], [ secondContent, { key: secondKey, priority: 0, }, ], ]); });
headManager.add(secondKey, secondContent);
assertStrictEquals(events.length, 1); assertStrictEquals(events[0] instanceof CustomEvent, true); assertStrictEquals(events[0].type, "update"); assertStrictEquals(events[0].cancelable, false);});
Deno.test("`HeadManager` method `remove`, existing.", () => { const headManager = new HeadManager(); const firstKey = "a"; const firstContent = h("title", null, "a"); const secondKey = "b"; const secondContent = h("meta", { name: "description", content: "b" });
headManager.add(firstKey, firstContent); headManager.add(secondKey, secondContent);
/** @type {Array<Event>} */ const events = [];
headManager.addEventListener("update", (/** @type {Event} */ event) => { events.push(event); assertEquals(Array.from(headManager.managed.entries()), [ [ secondContent, { key: secondKey, priority: 0, }, ], ]); });
assertStrictEquals(events.length, 1); assertStrictEquals(events[0] instanceof CustomEvent, true); assertStrictEquals(events[0].type, "update"); assertStrictEquals(events[0].cancelable, false);});
Deno.test("`HeadManager` method `remove`, missing.", () => { const headManager = new HeadManager();
headManager.addEventListener("update", () => { throw new Error("Unexpected `update` event."); });
headManager.remove(h("title", null, ""));});
Deno.test("`HeadManager` method `getHeadContent`, 1 added.", () => { const headManager = new HeadManager(); const key = "a";
headManager.add(key, h("title", null, "a"));
assertEquals( renderToStaticMarkup(h("head", null, headManager.getHeadContent())), "<head><title>a</title></head>", );});
Deno.test( "`HeadManager` method `getHeadContent`, 2 added, keys same, priority same.", () => { const headManager = new HeadManager(); const key = "a";
headManager.add(key, h("title", null, "a")); headManager.add(key, h("title", null, "b"));
assertEquals( renderToStaticMarkup(h("head", null, headManager.getHeadContent())), "<head><title>b</title></head>", ); },);
Deno.test( "`HeadManager` method `getHeadContent`, 2 added, keys same, priority different.", () => { const headManager = new HeadManager(); const key = "a";
headManager.add(key, h("title", null, "a"), 2); headManager.add(key, h("title", null, "b"), 1);
assertEquals( renderToStaticMarkup(h("head", null, headManager.getHeadContent())), "<head><title>a</title></head>", ); },);
Deno.test( "`HeadManager` method `getHeadContent`, 2 added, keys different.", () => { const headManager = new HeadManager();
// To test sorting by key, add them out of order with their keys. headManager.add("b", h("meta", { name: "b", content: "b" })); headManager.add("a", h("meta", { name: "a", content: "a" }));
assertEquals( renderToStaticMarkup(h("head", null, headManager.getHeadContent())), '<head><meta name="a" content="a"/><meta name="b" content="b"/></head>', ); },);