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Ruck is an open source buildless React web application framework for Deno.
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// @ts-check
/** * Asserts a value is a standard import map. * @see * @param {any} value Supposed import map. * @returns {asserts value is ImportMap} `void` for JavaScript and the assertion * for TypeScript. */export default function assertImportMap(value) { try { // Todo: Deeper validation of URL strings, etc.
if (typeof value !== "object" || !value) { throw new TypeError("Import map must be an object."); }
if ("imports" in value) { if (typeof value.imports !== "object" || !value.imports) { throw new TypeError("Import map property `imports` must be an object."); }
for (const [importsKey, importsValue] of Object.entries(value.imports)) { if (!importsKey.length) { throw new TypeError( `Import map property \`imports\` mustn’t contain an empty key.`, ); }
if (typeof importsValue !== "string") { throw new TypeError( `Import map property \`imports\` property \`${importsKey}\` must be a string.`, ); }
if (!importsValue.length) { throw new TypeError( `Import map property \`imports\` property \`${importsKey}\` must be a non empty string.`, ); } } }
if ("scopes" in value) { if (typeof value.scopes !== "object" || !value.scopes) { throw new TypeError("Import map property `scopes` must be an object."); }
for (const [scopesKey, scopesValue] of Object.entries(value.scopes)) { if (!scopesKey.length) { throw new TypeError( `Import map property \`scopes\` mustn’t contain an empty key.`, ); }
if (typeof scopesValue !== "object" || !scopesValue) { throw new TypeError( `Import map property \`scopes\` property \`${scopesKey}\` must be an object.`, ); }
for (const [scopeKey, scopeValue] of Object.entries(scopesValue)) { if (!scopeKey.length) { throw new TypeError( `Import map property \`scopes\` property \`${scopesKey}\` mustn’t contain an empty key.`, ); }
if (typeof scopeValue !== "string") { throw new TypeError( `Import map property \`scopes\` property \`${scopesKey}\` property \`${scopeKey}\` must be a string.`, ); }
if (!scopeValue.length) { throw new TypeError( `Import map property \`scopes\` property \`${scopesKey}\` property \`${scopeKey}\` must be a non empty string.`, ); } } } } } catch (cause) { throw new TypeError("Invalid import map.", { cause }); }}
/** * A standard import map. * @see * @typedef {object} ImportMap * @prop {ImportMapSpecifierMap} [imports] Import specifier map. * @prop {Record<string, ImportMapSpecifierMap>} [scopes] Ordered map of URLs * to import specifier maps. */
/** * Ordered map of import specifiers to absolute or relative URL addresses. * @typedef {Record<string, string>} ImportMapSpecifierMap */