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Ruck is an open source buildless React web application framework for Deno.
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// @ts-check
import puppeteer from "puppeteer";import { assertThrows } from "std/testing/asserts.ts";
import scrollToHash from "./scrollToHash.mjs";import serveProjectFiles from "./test/serveProjectFiles.mjs";import testPuppeteerPage from "./test/testPuppeteerPage.mjs";
Deno.test("`scrollToHash` with argument 1 `hash` not a string.", () => { assertThrows( () => { scrollToHash( // @ts-expect-error Testing invalid. true, ); }, TypeError, "Argument 1 `hash` must be a string.", );});
Deno.test("`scrollToHash` with target existing.", async () => { const abortController = new AbortController(); const projectFileServer = await serveProjectFiles(abortController.signal); const projectFilesOriginUrl = new URL( `http://localhost:${projectFileServer.port}`, );
try { const browser = await puppeteer.launch();
try { await testPuppeteerPage(browser, projectFilesOriginUrl, async (page) => { await page.setContent(/* HTML */ `<!DOCTYPE html><html> <head> <style> body { margin: 0; }
#padding { padding: 200vh 200vw; }
#target { width: 1px; height: 1px; } </style> </head> <body> <div id="padding"> <div id="target"></div> </div> </body></html>`);
await page.evaluate(async (projectFileServerPort) => { const [{ default: Defer }, { default: scrollToHash }] = await Promise .all([ /** @type {Promise<import("./test/Defer.mjs")>} */ ( import( `http://localhost:${projectFileServerPort}/test/Defer.mjs` ) ), /** @type {Promise<import("./scrollToHash.mjs")>} */ ( import( `http://localhost:${projectFileServerPort}/scrollToHash.mjs` ) ), ]);
const targetElement = /** @type {HTMLDivElement} */ ( document.getElementById("target") );
const { promise: targetInView, resolve: targetInViewResolve, reject: targetInViewReject, } = new Defer();
const targetInViewTimeout = setTimeout(() => { targetInViewReject( new Error("Target element wasn’t within the viewport in time."), ); }, 4000);
const intersectionObserver = new IntersectionObserver( (entries) => { for (const { isIntersecting } of entries) { if (isIntersecting) { clearTimeout(targetInViewTimeout); targetInViewResolve(); } } }, { threshold: 1 }, );
await targetInView;
const scrollingElement = /** @type {Element} */ ( document.scrollingElement );
if (scrollingElement.scrollLeft !== 0) { throw new Error("Page scroll should be at the start horizontally."); }
if (scrollingElement.scrollTop !== 0) { throw new Error("Page scroll should be at the start vertically."); } }, projectFileServer.port); }); } finally { await browser.close(); } } finally { abortController.abort(); await projectFileServer.close; }});