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Ruck is an open source buildless React web application framework for Deno.
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// @ts-check
import { useContext, useEffect } from "react";
import HeadManagerContext from "./HeadManagerContext.mjs";
/** * A React hook to add document head tags while the component is mounted. * @param {string} key Head tag fragment key. * @param {import("react").ReactNode} content Memoized React content containing * head tags. * @param {number} [priority] Priority. Defaults to `0`. */export default function useHead(key, content, priority) { if (typeof key !== "string") { throw new TypeError("Argument 1 `key` must be a string."); }
if (priority !== undefined && typeof priority !== "number") { throw new TypeError("Argument 3 `priority` must be a number."); }
const headManager = useContext(HeadManagerContext);
if (!headManager) throw TypeError("Context value missing.");
if (typeof Deno !== "undefined") headManager.add(key, content);
useEffect(() => { headManager.add(key, content, priority);
return () => { headManager.remove(content); }; }, [headManager, key, content, priority]);}