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Ruck is an open source buildless React web application framework for Deno.
// @ts-check
/** * Creates a pseudo DOM node that acts like a parent node for a real DOM node’s * child nodes that are between a start and end DOM node, suitable for use as a * React app root to hydrate and render tags in a region of the document head * where a real DOM node can’t be used to group child nodes. * * Only the exact DOM functionality used internally by React is supported; in * the future Preact support may be added. * @see * @param {ChildNode} startNode Start DOM node. * @param {ChildNode} endNode End DOM node. */export default function createPseudoNode(startNode, endNode) { if (!(startNode instanceof Node)) { throw new TypeError("Argument 1 `startNode` must be a DOM node."); }
if (!(endNode instanceof Node)) { throw new TypeError("Argument 2 `endNode` must be a DOM node."); }
if (!startNode.parentNode) throw new TypeError("Parent DOM node missing.");
if (startNode.parentNode !== endNode.parentNode) { throw new TypeError("Start and end DOM nodes must have the same parent."); }
/** * @param {ChildNode} childNode * @returns {ChildNode} */ function proxyChildNode(childNode) { return new Proxy(childNode, { get: function (target, propertyKey) { switch (propertyKey) { case "nextSibling": { return childNode.nextSibling && childNode.nextSibling !== endNode ? proxyChildNode(childNode.nextSibling) : null; }
case "valueOf": { return () => target; }
default: { const value = Reflect.get(target, propertyKey, target); return typeof value === "function" ? value.bind(target) : value; } } }, }); }
return /** @type {ParentNode} **/ ( new Proxy(startNode.parentNode, { get: function (target, propertyKey) { switch (propertyKey) { case "firstChild": { return startNode.nextSibling && startNode.nextSibling !== endNode ? proxyChildNode(startNode.nextSibling) : null; }
case "appendChild": { return /** @param {Node} node */ (node) => target.insertBefore(node, endNode); }
case "removeChild": { return /** @param {ChildNode} node */ (node) => target.removeChild(/** @type {ChildNode} */ (node.valueOf())); }
case "insertBefore": { return ( /** * @param {Node} newNode * @param {ChildNode} referenceNode */ (newNode, referenceNode) => target.insertBefore( /** @type {Node} */ (newNode.valueOf()), /** @type {ChildNode} */ (referenceNode.valueOf()), ) ); }
default: { const value = Reflect.get(target, propertyKey, target); return typeof value === "function" ? value.bind(target) : value; } } },
// React sets custom and standard properties. // Todo: Avoid mutating the real DOM node. set: function (target, propertyKey, propertyValue) { return Reflect.set(target, propertyKey, propertyValue, target); }, }) );}