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WebAuthn, Simplified. A collection of TypeScript-first libraries for simpler WebAuthn integration. Supports modern browsers, Node, Deno, and more.
import * as simplewebauthn from "";


Deserializes objects from ASN.1 encoded data

Serializes objects into ASN.1 encoded data

Implements ASN.1 structure for key description.

A value which is wrapped with a CBOR Tag. Several tags are registered with defined meanings like 0 for a date string. These meanings are not interpreted when decoded or encoded.


Decode CBOR data from a binary stream

Like {decodeCBOR}, but the length of the data is unknown and there is likely more -- possibly unrelated non-CBOR -- data afterwards.

Encode a supported structure to a CBOR byte string.


A slightly-modified AuthenticationCredential to simplify working with ArrayBuffers that are Base64URL-encoded in the browser so that they can be sent as JSON to the server.

Basic cryptography features available in the current context. It allows access to a cryptographically strong random number generator and to cryptographic primitives.

A variant of PublicKeyCredentialCreationOptions suitable for JSON transmission to the browser to (eventually) get passed into navigator.credentials.create(...) in the browser.

A variant of PublicKeyCredentialRequestOptions suitable for JSON transmission to the browser to (eventually) get passed into navigator.credentials.get(...) in the browser.

A slightly-modified RegistrationCredential to simplify working with ArrayBuffers that are Base64URL-encoded in the browser so that they can be sent as JSON to the server.

Type Aliases

A super class of TypeScript's AuthenticatorTransport that includes support for the latest transports. Should eventually be replaced by TypeScript's when TypeScript gets updated to know about it (sometime after 4.6.3)

An attempt to communicate that this isn't just any string, but a Base64URL-encoded string

The two types of credentials as defined by bit 3 ("Backup Eligibility") in authenticator data:

  • "singleDevice" credentials will never be backed up
  • "multiDevice" credentials can be backed up

Supported types which are encodable and decodable with tiny CBOR. Note that plain javascript objects are omitted.

Public key credential information needed to verify authentication responses