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Small Matrix Little Bot for Deno
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import { SmallBot } from "./SmallBot.ts";
export interface ISmallBotConfig { eventHandler: ( client: SmallBot, roomId: string, event: MatrixTimelineEvent, ) => Promise<void>; accessToken: string; homeserverUrl?: string; syncTimeout?: number; userId?: string; logger?: ISmallBotLogger; store?: ISmallBotStore; formatHTMLtoPlain?: (html: string) => string;}
export interface ISmallBotLogger { info(log: string): void; error(log: string): void;}
export interface ISmallBotStore { read(): string | undefined; write(since: string): void;}
export interface MatrixUserProfileResponse { avatar_url: string; displayname: string;}
export interface MatrixRoomStateResponse { name: string;}
export interface MatrixWhoAmIResponse { user_id: string;}
export interface MatrixJoinedRoomsResponse { joined_rooms: string[];}
export interface MatrixSyncResponse { rooms: { join: Map<string, MatrixRoomEvent> }; next_batch: string;}
export interface MatrixRoomEvent { timeline: { events: MatrixTimelineEvent[]; };}
export interface MatrixTimelineEvent { content: { //; body: string; msgtype: string; format: string; //; formatted_body: string; membership: string; displayname: string; avatar_url: string; }; type: string; event_id: string; sender: string;}