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Deno SQLite module
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SQLite for Deno API Documentation

This file documents all of the public interfaces for deno-sqlite. The documentation is generated automatically using the docs/generate.js script. If you want to clarify any of the notes in this file, edit the corresponding comment in the source file and rerun the generator, to avoid loosing the changes.

How to import

import { DB, Empty, Status } from ""

The above statement lists all the available imports.


new DB(path = ":memory:")

Create a new database. The passed path will be opened with read/ write permissions and created if it does not already exist.

The default opens an in-memory database.


query(sql, values)

Run a query against the database. The query can contain placeholder parameters, which are bound to the values passed in ‘values’.

db.query("SELECT name, email FROM users WHERE subscribed = ? AND list LIKE ?", [true, listName]);

This supports positional and named parameters. Positional parameters can be set by passing an array for values. Named parameters can be set by passing an object for values.

While they can be mixed in principle, this is not recommended.

Parameter Values
?NNN or ? NNN-th value in array
:AAAA value AAAA or :AAAA
@AAAA value @AAAA
$AAAA value $AAAA


Values may only be of the following types and are converted as follows:

JS in SQL type JS out
number INTEGER or REAL number
boolean INTEGER number
string TEXT string
Date TEXT string
Uint8Array BLOB Uint8Array
null NULL null
undefined NULL null

If no value is provided to a given parameter, SQLite will default to NULL.

If a Date is bound, it will be converted to an ISO 8601 string: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.SSSZ. This format is understood by built-in SQLite date-time functions. Also see

This always returns an iterable Rows object. As a special case, if the query has no rows to return this returns the Empty row (which is also iterable, but has zero entries).

!> Any returned Rows object needs to be fully iterated over or discarded by calling .done().


close(force = false)

Close database handle. This must be called if DB is no longer used, to avoid leaking file resources.

If force is specified, any on-going transactions will be closed.


get lastInsertRowId()

Get last inserted row id. This corresponds to the SQLite function sqlite3_last_insert_rowid.

By default, it will return 0 if there is no row inserted yet.


new SqliteError(message, code)

Extension over the standard JS Error object to also contain class members for error code and error code name.

This class is not exported by the module and should only be obtained from exceptions raised in this module.


The SQLite result status code, see the SQLite docs for more information about each code.

Beyond the SQLite status codes, this member can also contain custom status codes specific to this library (starting from 1000).

Errors that originate in the JavaScript part of the library will not have an associated status code. For these errors, the code will be Status.Unknown.

JS name code JS name (cont.) code
SqliteOk 0 SqliteEmpty 16
SqliteError 1 SqliteSchema 17
SqliteInternal 2 SqliteTooBig 18
SqlitePerm 3 SqliteConstraint 19
SqliteAbort 4 SqliteMismatch 20
SqliteBusy 5 SqliteMisuse 21
SqliteLocked 6 SqliteNoLFS 22
SqliteNoMem 7 SqliteAuth 23
SqliteReadOnly 8 SqliteFormat 24
SqliteInterrupt 9 SqliteRange 25
SqliteIOErr 10 SqliteNotADB 26
SqliteCorrupt 11 SqliteNotice 27
SqliteNotFound 12 SqliteWarning 28
SqliteFull 13 SqliteRow 100
SqliteCantOpen 14 SqliteDone 101
SqliteProtocol 15 Unknown -1

These codes are accessible via the exported Status object.


get codeName()

Key of code in exported status object.

E.g. if code is 19, codeName would be SqliteConstraint.


new Rows(db, stmt)

Rows represent a set of results from a query. They are iterable and yield arrays with the data from the selected columns.

This class is not exported from the module and the only correct way to obtain a Rows object is by making a database query.



Call this if you are done with the query and have not iterated over all the available results.

!> If you leave rows with results before making new queries, you will leak memory. Always use .done() instead of break.

const rows = db.query("SELECT name FROM users;");
for (const [name] of rows) {
  if (name === "Clark Kent")


Implements the iterator protocol.



Call this if you need column names from the result of a select query.

This method returns an array of objects, where each object has the following properties:

Property Value
name the result of sqlite3_column_name
originName the result of sqlite3_column_origin_name
tableName the result of sqlite3_column_table_name


A special constant. This is a Rows object which has no results. It is still iterable, however it won’t yield any results.

Empty is returned from queries which return no data.