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Contribute to SQLite for Deno

?> This is a draft.

Thank you for considering to contribute to the SQLite for Deno module! Below are a few guidelines on how to contribute.


To work on the JavaScript/ TypeScript wrapper module, all you need is a deno runtime.

To change the compiled SQLite WASM binary, you will require both the WASI SDK and the emscripten compiler. The former is used for release builds to produce stand-alone WASM binaries. The latter is used for debug builds. For help with setting up the these packages refer to their respective documentation or see this blog-post.

To use the provided Makefile, you will need to supply EMCC, the path to the emscripten compiler and WASI, the path to the root folder of your WASI SDK.

Code Style and Review

This project aims to follow the code style guide of the deno project.


Any user-facing interfaces should be documented. To document such interfaces, include a documenting comment, which must be formatted as follows:

 * ClassName.functionName
 * A short but complete description, formatted
 * as markdown.
functionName(arg1, arg2) {
  // ...

Comments with this format will be automatically parsed by a CI script and added to the documentation at The first line of the comment identifies the class and function, which helps the script format the comment correctly.

These comments should not include examples unless they are essential to illustrating an important point. Examples (cook-book style code snippets) should be added to

Tests and Benchmarks

Any important functionality should be tested. Tests are in the test.ts file. Changes will not be merged unless all tests are passed.

Benchmarks are in the bench.ts file.


By making contributions, you agree that anything you submit will be distributed under the projects license (see LICENSE).