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Deno SQLite module
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SQLite for Deno Examples

Examples of how to use the SQLite module. Contributions are welcome!

Opening and Saving Database Files

Database Files can be opened by constructing a new DB object. Any transactions run against the database are automatically saved to disk.

import { DB } from "";

const db = new DB("test.db");

// do something with db


Accessing Query Results

Rows selected from a table can be iterated over. You can also use the ... syntax to quickly collect them into an array.

// somehow obtain a db

for (const [id, name, email] of db.query("SELECT id, name, email FROM people")) {
  // do something with the rows entries

const names = [...db.query("SELECT name FROM people")].map(([name]) => name);
// do something with names

?> If you iterate the rows fully, using for ... of or the ... syntax, .done() is called automatically!

Binding Values to Queries

You can easily bind values from variables into your queries.

// somehow obtain a db

const name = "Peter Parker";
const email = "";

db.query("INSERT INTO people (name, email) VALUES (?, ?)", [name, email]);

!> Always bind user provided data and don’t use string interpolation to avoid SQL injection.

?> Queries like INSERT INTO don’t return any rows. For these queries .done() is called automatically.

?> You can bind Dates and Uint8Arrays directly. The wrapper will automatically convert them to the appropriate SQLite data types.

Named Query Parameters

SQLite supports named query parameters. Use them like this:

// somehow obtain a db

const name = "Peter Parker";
const email = "";

db.query("INSERT INTO people (name, email) VALUES (:name, :email)", { name, email });

?> Using named parameters can make your code more readable.

Error handling

DB.query will throw an exception on failure.

try {
  db.query("NOT A QUERY");
} catch (error) {