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Deno standard library
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// Copyright 2018-2022 the Deno authors. All rights reserved. MIT license.// Copyright Joyent, Inc. and Node.js contributors. All rights reserved. MIT license.
// The following are all the process APIs that don't depend on the stream module// They have to be split this way to prevent a circular dependency
import { isWindows } from "../../_util/os.ts";import { nextTick as _nextTick } from "../_next_tick.ts";import { _exiting } from "./exiting.ts";
/** Returns the operating system CPU architecture for which the Deno binary was compiled */function _arch(): string { if ( == "x86_64") { return "x64"; } else if ( == "aarch64") { return "arm64"; } else { throw Error("unreachable"); }}
/** */export const arch = _arch();
/** */export const chdir = Deno.chdir;
/** */export const cwd = Deno.cwd;
/** */export const nextTick = _nextTick;
/** Wrapper of Deno.env.get, which doesn't throw type error when * the env name has "=" or "\0" in it. */function denoEnvGet(name: string) { try { return Deno.env.get(name); } catch (e) { if (e instanceof TypeError) { return undefined; } throw e; }}
const OBJECT_PROTO_PROP_NAMES = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(Object.prototype);/** * * Requires env permissions */export const env: InstanceType<ObjectConstructor> & Record<string, string> = new Proxy(Object(), { get: (target, prop) => { if (typeof prop === "symbol") { return target[prop]; }
const envValue = denoEnvGet(prop);
if (envValue) { return envValue; }
if (OBJECT_PROTO_PROP_NAMES.includes(prop)) { return target[prop]; }
return envValue; }, ownKeys: () => Reflect.ownKeys(Deno.env.toObject()), getOwnPropertyDescriptor: (_target, name) => { const value = denoEnvGet(String(name)); if (value) { return { enumerable: true, configurable: true, value, }; } }, set(_target, prop, value) { Deno.env.set(String(prop), String(value)); return value; }, has: (_target, prop) => typeof denoEnvGet(String(prop)) === "string", });
/** */export const pid =;
/** */export const platform = isWindows ? "win32" :;
/** * * * This value is hard coded to latest stable release of Node, as * some packages are checking it for compatibility. Previously * it pointed to Deno version, but that led to incompability * with some packages. */export const version = "v16.17.0";
/** * * * This value is hard coded to latest stable release of Node, as * some packages are checking it for compatibility. Previously * it contained only output of `Deno.version`, but that led to incompability * with some packages. Value of `v8` field is still taken from `Deno.version`. */export const versions = { node: "16.17.0", uv: "1.43.0", zlib: "1.2.11", brotli: "1.0.9", ares: "1.18.1", modules: "93", nghttp2: "1.47.0", napi: "8", llhttp: "6.0.7", openssl: "1.1.1q+quic", cldr: "41.0", icu: "71.1", tz: "2022a", unicode: "14.0", ...Deno.version,};