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Structured Clone

A cheap way to clone typed data for serialization.

Using this module, a program can safely clone data from an object for serialization by using JSON or HTML Structured Clone Algorithm, that means all functions, symbols, circular references, and any other elements that are not compatible with these algorithms will be auto-removed silently.

Additionally, this module also composes the clone object into a structured format for JSON serialization, so it could be used to serialize compound types like Date, RegExp, etc. The types that supported by HTML Structured Clone Algorithm (in Node.js term) are also supported by JSON along with this module.

This module is designed primarily in order to safely clone data that can be transferred across processes or threads in Node.js, however, it works in modern browsers and Deno as well.


  • compose(data: any, forHTML = false) Composes the data into a well-formatted object that can be serialized via JSON or HTML Structured Clone Algorithm. If forHTML is omitted, this function returns a copy of data in a form that combined types and values (only for compound types), so that they can be serialized and transferred in JSON just like HTML Structured Clone Algorithm does.

  • decompose(data: any) Decomposes the formatted data back to its original form.

  • serialize(data: any): string Equivalent to JSON.stringify(compose(data)).

  • deserialize(json: string): any Equivalent to decompose(JSON.parse(json)).

  • createComposer(make: (type: string, value: any) => any): (data: any, forHTML?: boolean) => any This function could be used to create a customized composer function.

  • createDecomposer(parse: (data: any) => { type: string, value: any }, checkSignature: (data: any) => boolean): (data: any) => any This function could be used to create a customized decomposer function.

  • utils Some utility functions used to process data:

    • error2object(err: Error): object Transfers an error instance to a standard object.
    • object2error(obj: object): Error Transfers a standard object to an error instance.
    • walkToJSON(data: any): any Recursively calls toJSON() method in the data and its children nodes until drain.


import { compose, decompose } from "@hyurl/structured-clone";
import { format } from "util";

let data = {
    ok: true,
    greeting: "Hello, World!",
    times: 100,
    largeTimes: 1000000000n, // BigInt is supported if the runtime supports it.
    maxTimes: Infinity,
    guests: new Map([
            { name: "Mr. Wong", tel: NaN, roles: new Set([1, 2, 3]) }
            { name: "Mrs. Wong", tel: NaN, roles: new Set([2, 3]) }
    date: new Date(),
    pattern: /H(ello|i), \w+/i,
    err: new Error("Excuse me"), // Other errors are as well supported.
    packet: new TextEncoder().encode("Hello, World!"), // TypedArray
    // Other Types like ArrayBuffer and ArrayBufferView are also supported,
    // however, Buffer are only supported by Node.js with JSON serialization,
    // setting `forHTML` will transfer Buffer into Uint8Array automatically.

// Create copy and serialize
let copy = compose(data);
let json = JSON.stringify(copy);

// Parse serialized data and decompose to the original form. 
let _copy = JSON.parse(json);
let _data = decompose(_copy);

// The two copy of data are literally the same.
// (However with different object reference.)
console.assert(format(data) === format(_data));

// Will seem like:
// {"ok":true,"greeting":"Hello, World!","times":100,"largeTimes":["[[BigInt]]",
// "1000000000"],"maxTimes":["[[Number]]","Infinity"],"guests":["[[Map]]",
// [[10000,{"name":"Mr. Wong","tel":["[[Number]]","NaN"] ...

In Deno

import { compose, decompose } from "";