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Stringify and parse JavaScript values according to Structured Clone Algorithm.
import typeson from './typeson.ts'const { toStringTag } = typesonimport file from './file.js';
const filelist = { file: file.file, filelist: { test(x) { return toStringTag(x) === 'FileList'; }, replace(fl) { const arr = []; for (let i = 0; i < fl.length; i++) { arr[i] = fl.item(i); } return arr; }, revive(o) { return new FileList(o); } }};
// Even if native impl is available, ctor can't be invoked from userland...
/** `FileList` polyfill */export class FileList { #files; #length;
/** Set private properties and length */ constructor() { this.#files = arguments[0]; this.#length = this.#files.length; }
/** * @param {number} index * @returns {File} */ item(index) { return this.#files[index] }
/** @returns {number} */ get length() { return this.#length }
/** @readonly @type {"FileList"} */ [Symbol.toStringTag] = 'FileList'}
export default filelist;