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Tail a file in Deno

This module provides facility to tail a file in Deno.


This module uses two dependencies from Deno’s standard library:

  • BufReader
  • readStringDelim


To tail a file, import the Tail class & create a tail object by providing the file name.

import { Tail } from "./mod.ts";

const tail = new Tail("/var/tmp/testFile.txt");

To start tailing, use the start API that returns an async iterable:

for await (const line of tail.start()) {
  //Process line

To stop tailing, use the stop API:



Here is a complete example:

import { Tail } from "";

const tail = new Tail("/var/tmp/testFile.txt");
for await (const line of tail.start()) {
  console.log("Got a line:", line);