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Text wrangling Typescript utilities

License:MIT ci


import * as textras from "";

exported fuctions

const bytesToHex: (d: Uint8Array) => string
  convert a byte array to its hex string encoding

  @param {Uint8Array} d
      - the input byte array

  @return {string}
      the hex string encoding of d

const bytesToString: (d: Uint8Array) => string
  convert a byte array to its string representation

  @param {Uint8Array} d
      - the input byte array

  @return {string}
      the string representation of s

const hexToBytes: (s: string) => Uint8Array
  convert a hex string to its byte array representation

  @param {string} s
      - the input hex string

  @return {Uint8Array}
      the hex-decoded byte array representation of s

const stringToBytes: (s: string) => Uint8Array
  convert a string to its byte array representation

  @param {string} s
      - the input string

  @return {Uint8Array}
      the byte array representation of s


import { assertEquals } from "";
import {
} from "";

// round trip a string to hex and back again
const s = "hello world";
const h = bytesToHex(stringToBytes(s));
assertEquals(h, "68656c6c6f20776f726c64", "hex value");
assertEquals(bytesToString(hexToBytes(h)), s, "round trip");