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This library reads and writes Open Tibia .OTB files.

Table of contents

Getting Started

The library supports multiple platforms (Browser, NodeJS and Deno).



const { OTBReader, OTBWriter } = require('@v0rt4c/ot-otb');


import { OTBReader, OTBWriter } from '@v0rt4c/ot-otb';


import { OTBReader, OTBWriter } from '';


Reading .OTB

Reading the .OTB file is really easy. Simply create a new instance of the OTBReader and provide it with the .OTB file buffer. The buffer param must be a Uint8Array. Then call the parse method to get the RootNode.

const reader = new OTBReader(otbBuffer);
const rootNode = reader.parse();



RootNode {
  _itemsMajorVersion: 1,
  _itemsMinorVersion: 3,
  _itemsBuildNumber: 17,
  _children: [Item, Item, Item, Item, ..., ...]

Writing .OTB

Writing the .OTB file back to its original form is also really easy. Simply create a new instance of the OTBWriter and provide it with the RootNode. Then call the writeBuffer method. This will give you the .OTB buffer back as the return value.

const writer = new OTBWriter(rootNode);
const buffer = writer.writeBuffer();



The RootNode class holds information about the .OTB file such as the versions & buildnumber. It also holds all the items in the .OTB file in an array.


@Params Optional
itemsMajorVersion false
itemsMinorVersion false
itemsBuildVersion false


Property Getter Setter
itemsMajorVersion X X
itemsMinorVersion X X
itemsBuildNumber X X
children X


Method Params Description
addItem item : Item Adds a new item to the root node
getItemByServerId serverId : number Gets a specific item by its server ID
getItemByClientId clientId : number Gets a specific item by its client ID
removeItemByServerId serverId : number Removes an item by providing its server ID
removeItemByClientId clientId : number Removes an item by providing its client ID
popItem Removes an item from the end of the item list
shiftItem Removes an item from the start of the item list


The Item class holds information about an item, such as the server ID, client ID, flags & attributes.


The Item constructor takes no arguments.


Property Getter Setter
serverId X X
clientId X X
type X X
group X X
flags X
attributes X


Method Params Description
setAttribute attribute : string, value : any Sets an attribute on the item
setFlags flags : number Sets the item flags from the provided integer
setFlag flag : string, value : boolean Sets a specific flag
getFlagsInt Returns the integer value for the item flags




MIT License