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πŸ’Š Valtio makes proxy-state simple for React and Vanilla
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import { StrictMode, useEffect, useRef, useState } from 'react'import { fireEvent, render, waitFor } from '@testing-library/react'import { proxy, useSnapshot } from 'valtio'
it('simple counter', async () => { const obj = proxy({ count: 0 })
const Counter = () => { const snap = useSnapshot(obj) return ( <> <div>count: {snap.count}</div> <button onClick={() => ++obj.count}>button</button> </> ) }
const { getByText, findByText } = render( <StrictMode> <Counter /> </StrictMode> )
await findByText('count: 0')'button')) await findByText('count: 1')})
it('no extra re-renders (commits)', async () => { const obj = proxy({ count: 0, count2: 0 })
const Counter = () => { const snap = useSnapshot(obj) const commitsRef = useRef(1) useEffect(() => { commitsRef.current += 1 }) return ( <> <div> count: {snap.count} ({commitsRef.current}) </div> <button onClick={() => ++obj.count}>button</button> </> ) }
const Counter2 = () => { const snap = useSnapshot(obj) const commitsRef = useRef(1) useEffect(() => { commitsRef.current += 1 }) return ( <> <div> count2: {snap.count2} ({commitsRef.current}) </div> <button onClick={() => ++obj.count2}>button2</button> </> ) }
const { getByText } = render( <> <Counter /> <Counter2 /> </> )
await waitFor(() => { getByText('count: 0 (1)') getByText('count2: 0 (1)') })'button')) await waitFor(() => { getByText('count: 1 (2)') getByText('count2: 0 (1)') })'button2')) await waitFor(() => { getByText('count: 1 (2)') getByText('count2: 1 (2)') })})
it('no extra re-renders (render func calls in non strict mode)', async () => { const obj = proxy({ count: 0, count2: 0 })
const renderFn = jest.fn() const Counter = () => { const snap = useSnapshot(obj) renderFn(snap.count) return ( <> <div>count: {snap.count}</div> <button onClick={() => ++obj.count}>button</button> </> ) }
const renderFn2 = jest.fn() const Counter2 = () => { const snap = useSnapshot(obj) renderFn2(snap.count2) return ( <> <div>count2: {snap.count2}</div> <button onClick={() => ++obj.count2}>button2</button> </> ) }
const { getByText } = render( <> <Counter /> <Counter2 /> </> )
await waitFor(() => { getByText('count: 0') getByText('count2: 0') }) expect(renderFn).toBeCalledTimes(1) expect(renderFn).lastCalledWith(0) expect(renderFn2).toBeCalledTimes(1) expect(renderFn2).lastCalledWith(0)'button')) await waitFor(() => { getByText('count: 1') getByText('count2: 0') }) expect(renderFn).toBeCalledTimes(2) expect(renderFn).lastCalledWith(1) expect(renderFn2).toBeCalledTimes(1) expect(renderFn2).lastCalledWith(0)'button2')) await waitFor(() => { getByText('count: 1') getByText('count2: 1') }) expect(renderFn).toBeCalledTimes(2) expect(renderFn).lastCalledWith(1) expect(renderFn2).toBeCalledTimes(2) expect(renderFn2).lastCalledWith(1)'button2')) await waitFor(() => { getByText('count: 1') getByText('count2: 2') }) expect(renderFn).toBeCalledTimes(2) expect(renderFn).lastCalledWith(1) expect(renderFn2).toBeCalledTimes(3) expect(renderFn2).lastCalledWith(2)'button')) await waitFor(() => { getByText('count: 2') getByText('count2: 2') }) expect(renderFn).toBeCalledTimes(3) expect(renderFn).lastCalledWith(2) expect(renderFn2).toBeCalledTimes(3) expect(renderFn2).lastCalledWith(2)})
it('object in object', async () => { const obj = proxy({ object: { count: 0 } })
const Counter = () => { const snap = useSnapshot(obj) return ( <> <div>count: {snap.object.count}</div> <button onClick={() => ++obj.object.count}>button</button> </> ) }
const { getByText, findByText } = render( <StrictMode> <Counter /> </StrictMode> )
await findByText('count: 0')'button')) await findByText('count: 1')})
it('array in object', async () => { const obj = proxy({ counts: [0, 1, 2] })
const Counter = () => { const snap = useSnapshot(obj) return ( <> <div>counts: {snap.counts.join(',')}</div> <button onClick={() => obj.counts.push(obj.counts.length)}> button </button> </> ) }
const { getByText, findByText } = render( <StrictMode> <Counter /> </StrictMode> )
await findByText('counts: 0,1,2')'button')) await findByText('counts: 0,1,2,3')})
it('array pop and splice', async () => { const arr = proxy([0, 1, 2])
const Counter = () => { const snap = useSnapshot(arr) return ( <> <div>counts: {snap.join(',')}</div> <button onClick={() => arr.pop()}>button</button> <button onClick={() => arr.splice(1, 0, 10, 11)}>button2</button> </> ) }
const { getByText, findByText } = render( <StrictMode> <Counter /> </StrictMode> )
await findByText('counts: 0,1,2')'button')) await findByText('counts: 0,1')'button2')) await findByText('counts: 0,10,11,1')})
it('array length after direct assignment', async () => { const obj = proxy({ counts: [0, 1, 2] })
const Counter = () => { const snap = useSnapshot(obj) return ( <> <div>counts: {snap.counts.join(',')}</div> <div>length: {snap.counts.length}</div> <button onClick={() => (obj.counts[obj.counts.length] = obj.counts.length)}> increment </button> <button onClick={() => (obj.counts[obj.counts.length + 5] = obj.counts.length + 5) }> jump </button> </> ) }
const { getByText, findByText } = render( <StrictMode> <Counter /> </StrictMode> )
await findByText('counts: 0,1,2')'increment')) await findByText('counts: 0,1,2,3')'jump')) await findByText('counts: 0,1,2,3,,,,,,9')})
it('deleting property', async () => { const obj = proxy<{ count?: number }>({ count: 1 })
const Counter = () => { const snap = useSnapshot(obj) return ( <> <div>count: {snap.count ?? 'none'}</div> <button onClick={() => delete obj.count}>button</button> </> ) }
const { getByText, findByText } = render( <StrictMode> <Counter /> </StrictMode> )
await findByText('count: 1')'button')) await findByText('count: none')})
it('circular object', async () => { const obj = proxy<any>({ object: {} }) obj.object = obj obj.object.count = 0
const Counter = () => { const snap = useSnapshot(obj) as any return ( <> <div>count: {snap.count}</div> <button onClick={() => ++obj.count}>button</button> </> ) }
const { getByText, findByText } = render( <StrictMode> <Counter /> </StrictMode> )
await findByText('count: 0')'button')) await findByText('count: 1')})
it('circular object with non-proxy object (#375)', async () => { const initialObject = { count: 0 } const state: any = proxy(initialObject) state.obj = initialObject
const Counter = () => { const snap = useSnapshot(state) return <div>count: {snap.obj ? 1 : snap.count}</div> }
const { findByText } = render( <StrictMode> <Counter /> </StrictMode> )
await findByText('count: 1')})
it('render from outside', async () => { const obj = proxy({ count: 0, anotherCount: 0 })
const Counter = () => { const [show, setShow] = useState(false) const snap = useSnapshot(obj) return ( <> {show ? ( <div>count: {snap.count}</div> ) : ( <div>anotherCount: {snap.anotherCount}</div> )} <button onClick={() => ++obj.count}>button</button> <button onClick={() => setShow((x) => !x)}>toggle</button> </> ) }
const { getByText, findByText } = render( <StrictMode> <Counter /> </StrictMode> )
await findByText('anotherCount: 0')'button'))'toggle')) await findByText('count: 1')})
it('counter with sync option', async () => { const obj = proxy({ count: 0 })
const Counter = () => { const snap = useSnapshot(obj, { sync: true }) const commitsRef = useRef(1) useEffect(() => { commitsRef.current += 1 }) return ( <> <div> count: {snap.count} ({commitsRef.current}) </div> <button onClick={() => ++obj.count}>button</button> </> ) }
const { getByText, findByText } = render( <> <Counter /> </> )
await findByText('count: 0 (1)')'button')) await findByText('count: 1 (2)')'button')) await findByText('count: 2 (3)')})
it('support undefined property (#439)', async () => { const obj = proxy({ prop: undefined })
expect('prop' in obj).toBe(true)
const Component = () => { const snap = useSnapshot(obj) return <div>has prop: {JSON.stringify('prop' in snap)}</div> }
const { findByText } = render( <> <Component /> </> )
await findByText('has prop: true')})